But the real work began at 8, when I flipped between a re-run of CSI and the Hockey game..at 9 I had to flip between The Amazing Race and the Hockey game. Man I'm glad the Hippies are still in the race..I'm hoping for them!!!! At 10, I had to flip through Dateline, American Idol and the Hockey game....phew...I was getting exhausted by that time. I'm hoping for Taylor Hicks on American Idol, now that the cutie is gone, whose name I can't even remember. Wait, I remember now - Ace...yes the cute guy.
Bad news, Ottawa lost in OT...one more loss and they are out!
At 11, I started to watch Law and Order, but all that flipping had worn me out and I fell asleep...Missed Larry King. Well, that's it for now..time to get my morning cup of tea.
P.S. I noticed the time of my posting was wrong....like three hours earlier than the actual post. Any ideas on fixing that.
All I can say after that hockey game is this....@@@@&&&&!!!!()*******
Cute kittie!
Oh yes...You have to get to your "Dashboard" in order to change settings, add titles, etc. to you blog.
Don't ask me how to find the dashboard...I always fumble my to it at this point...still learning.
Wow- you had a gruelling night- watch out for carpal tunnel syndrome from all that wrist flicking- I like Taylor too- my favourite was Chris-
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