So it begins

So, it secrets being revealed. Ok, so I do eat Hickory Sticks in bed!!! What's wrong with that, I ask? They're very very good, and good for you. They have zero trans-fat. True they are very skinny, and do tend to fall out of your hand. True they do tend to get all over the bed, under the sheets, and all over the floor. True they do make you very itchy and sometimes they actually stab you when you lie down. But.....those are just small inconveniences compared to the delight of eating them. At my age, any joy I can get whilst in bed is a good thing!! Oh oh! Too Much Info! Hahahahahahahaha.
I suppose I could reveal a thing or two about Mikki, but I fear that if I get involved in a little 'secret telling' war, I would come out on the raw end of the stick! It could get painfully embarrasing pour moi! So, I will gracefully not say how Mikki eats pie for breakfast sometimes. OOOOPPSSSSS...did I say that out loud.
On a brighter's May, it's May, the Merry Month of May! It's cold and drizzly and miserable...but it's May!
And now I must post my condolences to my brother for the upcoming demise of the Montreal Canadiennes aka the Habs! They only have one more chance to pull it out. We did have a glimmer of hope last night when they tied it up with two quick goals, but in the end, they lost.
Well, that's it for today folks. Talk to you later
Hey,,, that's way more action going on in your bed than in ours,, except when Stoopie attacks Oedipus in a jealous rage!! So now you've started,, it's Mikki's turn to reveal another little known family fact----
anyway,, hockey shouldn't be happening in May---
Please don't encourage Mikki in this..I am afraid, very afraid!
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