Paul In Kandahar

Anyway, when we found out he was going to be home, we drove all the way up there non-stop - stayed with him for two days - then drove all the way back non-stop! Man I have never been so tired in my life. But it was so good to see him. This is a picture he gave me..I have a couple of pictures taken in Borden while we were there, but they are still on my camera. He is as red as a lobster and has lost some weight. He looks good. Unfortuneatley he has to go back for at least another two months..could be more. I hate it. He has been shot at! My son has been shot at while driving an armored vehicle. None of the bullets could penetrate the vehicle or the windows, but he has pictures of the bullet holes. It is more dangerous over there than they let on. The Militia can't move without getting attacked. God, I will be glad when this over.
Well, I will have more news later....
Bye bye guys.
Love, Marsh
Thanks for the update - good picture.
Hope to get up soon.
Love - Steeler
Sounds much too scary for my liking... I better write his CO and explain that my nerves are very bad, therefor Paul must return home. I agree with fireguy, that is a good picture. I notice, though, that he has a weird grin going on... kind of diminishes the ferocity a teensy bit!
Anyway, I'm glad you guys made the round trip safely - travelling like that can be exhausting. And congrats on your new gadgets/appliances! I hope I am allowed to travel this summer - I wanna see your house!!
Those are just his cute dimples..they appear whether he is a good mood or a 'not so good mood'. Hehehehe.
Granted he posed for this picture, but it's quite real!
I saw all his gear...Kevlar vests with steel plates...Kevlar Helmet that weighs a ton..And that is his weapon!
And he has to carry lots of bullets..I have pictues.
It is a shame all of the casualties that are coming back to Canada, but I guess we will maybe never fully understand what it would be like if our troops weren't over there helping as much as they can... Hmmm!
Nice that he was able to make it home for a bit!
A good looking man indeed! I thought that I would let you know that our prayers and wishes are always being given for his safe (and speedy) return!
Love ya,
You must be so very proud of your son, and scared at the same time.My prayers are with him.
Take care.
We think of Paul everyday,, and pray for his safe return--- when is he expected home?? so I can count the days---- much love
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