Deal or No Deal

Has anybody seen this show! Sheesh! It should be called 'Greed or no Greed' or better still 'Idiot or no Idiot'. Last night a woman gave up $99,000 PLUS the Harley Davidson Motorcycle of her dreams to play on. She ended up going home with only $24,000. GOOD! I hollered at the TV. (This show makes me holler at the the TV all the time - "Take the Deal, Take the Deal". I swear, I am not going to watch this show's driving me crazy. Well Survivor ended and Aras won. I was hoping for Cirie. And so another season ends. And I hope Big Brother will be on during the summer. This is one of my favorites, but I haven't heard a word about it. No news from my pictures either. I will post a picture the minute I get one. Not much going on today, as usual. Just frigging around with the computer, playing some games, and gradually getting the dishes done. So exciting. Gonna go now...probably take a nap. I got up at 5:30 this morning. I wanted a cup of tea sooooo bad! Later guys. |
That was disgusting!!! She didn't even listen to her husband who was telling her to take the deal- 5:30 in the morning is just too early-what's in your tea??? I wish Michelle and Dad would join our little group- Michelle must be exhausted and sleep deprived- but we'd all love to hear from her-
I don't follow those shows. Guess I'm into sports and Y&R!
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