Wow, it's cold!

I suppose you're wondering what the picture of my kitty litter box has to do with the title of the blog. Let me explain.
See how nice and clean the kitty litter is? You see, Tuffy doesn't like to poop in the litter, only pee..which is very easy to scoop out. Tuffy likes to go outside to poop.
Now, I've lived in very cold places...Moosonee, Goose Bay, even North Bay Ont. and I have always had cats, but I have never seen this very interesting phenomena before in all my almost 62 years.
Warning...if any of you are weak of stomach do not read on.
Anyway, Tuffy went out the other evening to do his business. It was very, very cold. When he came in and ran to his dish to eat, I noticed something very odd.
His poop was frozen to his bum along with a big chunk of ice. His poop froze as he pooped!!!!! Have you ever heard of such a thing.
Now, I don't know if anybody here has ever tried to wipe a cat's bum.....but it's something equivalent to trying to give a cat a pill.
I managed to grab some of it with a big wad of paper towel, but he got very disturbed that I was trying to get near his 'private' area (although, he doesn't mind pushing it in my face sometimes), and he ran away...with poop stuck to him!!!! AGGGHHHHH...I have new furniture. Where would I find it when it thawed out?
Well, I never did find that poop..and I've cleaned my house all the way through...
So I can only assume that he 'cleaned' himself up...ewwwwwwwwww. Now you know why I don't like cats to lick me!!!!
In other news, there is no other news. Just wanted to share this with you.
Talk to you later
That is too funny!!!
Where could that frozen poop be? No longer frozen now, I assume...hahahaa
Yuck,I enjoy a treasure hunt,but this is one treasure, I wouldn't want to hunt for LOL.I wonder where it went!!! I'm sorry its funny, and I can't stop laughing :)
I can just imagine, the look on that poor cats face,and yours when you realized what it was hehehehe.
Take care...
Hahahah-- funny story-- maybe it's like fireguys recycling story and Tuffy had a poopsicle!!!
Ok, I honestly didn't know if I could read your story to the end! hahaha!
I wonder if that ever happens to the dogs up here... You've made me curious!
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