Army Boy

The guy in the center is MY BABY BOY (aka Army boy or Paul). This was taken on Remembrance Day where he was part of the Honor Guard. He is my youngest child and my only boy, therefore he is 'the baby'.
My baby is leaving today for Kingston Ont, for a three week course..from whence he will then continue on to Afghanistan!. Oh, my heart!
The good news is, he is not actually going on a 'tour of duty' as they call it, which is usually six months. He is going to do a specific job, and should only be in Afghanistan for four to six weeks. He shouldn't be leaving base camp at all.
Now that's what he tells me. Now, his job is Mechanic..he repairs Tanks and all kinds of Armored Vehicles etc etc etc. there only one tank broken down or what?
Not saying that he's prevaricating....but maybe it's a secret.
Anyway...he has to go.....and I have to live with it. My hair is already preparing to turn greyer.
Pray for him and all the boys and men over there. May they all return safely.
Thank you LJLC. P.S. Pray for all the girls and women too. Shows my age!
This must be what you were dreading---- as all mothers and loved ones of our service "people"--- I wish to God all this foolishness would be done -- thankfully it's only for a short stint-- but I know you'll be on pins and needles---- we'll keep him in our prayers--- much love!
Glad it's only a short stint - he'll be in our thoughts and prayers for sure.
My heart goes out to you. I will certainly keep them all, in my prayers.
And he is, a very handsome young man, and you must be very proud of him.
Thank you all for your comments. And yes, I sure think he is good looking...must take after Travelin Man!!!!
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