Silliest Grin Contest

These are the contestants for the Institute of Silly Grins (as opposed to the Institutes of Silly Walks)..sorry guys..only Monty Python fans will understand.
However, the point is..who is the winner of the Silliest Grin Contest????
Fireguy (on the left) or Little Clone of Todd Inkpen (aka Caitlyn) on the right?
Please feel free to vote without any repercussions.
Man, these pictures are know, I kill myself sometimes...hahahahahahahahahhaahhaa!
Oh..Sorry Fireguy!
Hey..wait. This may not be that funny.
Caitlyn looks a lot like her Dad!!!!!!!
Hahahahahaha..sorry Todd.
I think FireGuy's grin is the sillier one - pretty cute, too! I need to find our camera so I can capture more of Caitlyn's silly grins... Nothing stays where it is supposed to around here! Anyway, people have been saying that Caitlyn is starting to look more like me now - there's hope for her yet *har har*
Yeah, I think fireguy wins this one-- Caitlyn wins the cuteness prize,,, and as for the biggest ears award???
No contest there...biggest ears award goes to Fireguy!!! Once again, sorry Fireguy!
They are both so cute. But I guess Fireguy wins.. Sorry!!!!
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