
Tuffy's had a Makeover..isn't it nice? Always wanted a purple cat. Jim's Sister-In-Law sent me lots of pictures of painted cats. Apparently some people pay a lot of money to do that. Good grief!
I saw on the Today show, a woman who had knitted a sweator out of the shedded hair of her cat! It's a really nice sweator. Apparently they got a hold of her and she and her cat, and her sweator will be on the show tomorrow.
Well, my beloved baby left for Kandahar Afghanistan today. The same day they brought home the body of a young boy from New Glasgow. The son of Dexter Megeney, who used to be a customer of mine when I worked at the Bank.
Even though Dexter's son was not shot in battle, but by accident, by a friend of his...this does not allay my concern! He's only supposed to be there for six or seven weeks, and I have marked them off on my calendar.
I am proud of him though. And he is excited about going. He is dedicated to the Military now. What a change from the rebellious young hellion he used to be.
On another's too damn cold here! Cold! Too Cold! Hopefully, according to the weather report it's supposed to warm up...but...yeah, right! I've never known the Weather Channel to be correct yet!
Speaking of which...I guess it's freezing in the States too...along the East Coast...and they say it's the fault of the 'Cold Canadian Air'! Sure, blame us! It's Air....not specifically Canadian Air sneaking up on them and freezing them to death..Sheesh. Maybe if the Iraqis could trap some of 'Our Cold Air', they could use it as a Weapon of Mass Destruction!
Anyhoo....going to read blogs to you all later.
Hey Marsha, Painting cat's jsut seems ridiculous to me somehow, but then again what won't people do? Will be keeping you're son in my prayer as well. At least his stay over there is limitied ot weeks. When Pat was approached about going he was going to be gone for 9 months..I am so glad he wasn't ready to go yet....But when he finally is ready to go I wi be prouder of him than I am now...
Much Love.
Thanks LJLC and K&S for your prayers. It's funny, but I hate when the phone rings now, no matter what time of day it is. But, I'm really not 'steeped' in worry!
As for painting cats..I agree..ridiculous and not fair to the cat. Cats are beautiful in their own right.
And yes, more light for me. I'm feeling better already. Had a window open today! Fresh air in the house. Woohoo!
Paul is in our hearts and prayers--- I hope the time goes fast and he's home soon---
Sweaters made of cat hair?? How about Billy dog hair-- I have the motherlode!!
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