My Cat

This is my cat, Tuffy (hence the name Tuffysmom - I didn't name any of my kids Tuffy!). He is, without a doubt the most beautiful cat in the world, including Yarmouth. He is my baby, he loves me....actually He owns Me. Tuffy does have a problem though. He suffers from multiple personality disorder. Inside this cat, are about five different and separate personalities. And he can change from one to the other within seconds, and back again. The cat I fear most is Eviltuffy. When Eviltuffy appears he doesn't even look like regular Tuffy. His eyes become slits, his tail flips around, his ears go back, and usually blood flows!!!! This usually happens while regular Tuffy is getting his tummyrub. I gues Eviltuffy doesn't like it. Hungrytuffy bugs me the most. He sits on the computer desk blocking my view, dipping his tail in my pop, and sometimes laying down on the mouse. Loveytuffy sits on my feet when I watch TV and keeps them warm. Now....Huntertuffy, while still a nice cat, likes to bring me gifts. The other night he brought me a live gift and it now resides with us, since Huntertuffy turned into regular Tuffy and dropped the critter.
Now, about the critter. I believe it lives under the sink, and comes out at night to forage for food in our cupboards. Luckily our butter is in a covered dish, because we have seen droppings right beside the butter dish. I also think it is eating Tuffy's food, since all our stuff is in cans or canisters.
The other night, when all was quiet and I was playing the computer, I heard scratching noises from under the sink..and I froze! I am scared of this little critter! Why? It's not like it's the Alien from the movie Alien. Anyhoo, today we bought two mouse traps, although I think this guy is too small for a mouse trap. I described the critter and we think it's called a vole. I will look it up on the internet and if I find a picture I will post it.
Well, Frank if you are reading, I hung clothes out on the line again today..hahahahaha....Just thought I'd mention it.
Well, that's my comments for today. Back to the dishes....later guys.
There are three cats in Yarmouth that may disagree abouth the most beautiful cat thing.
Hey...Go Edmonton Go!!!
You should have named your cat Syblil- and if it's true that pets take on their owner's traits, well, you can figure that out!!!! Good luck with the vole, You're getting to have as many creatures in your house as we do- She is cute though, since she looks exactly like Oedipus, one of our upstairs cats!!!
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