I'm here

Anyway, we had our corn boil yesterday....delicious! And today is barbecue today. We laughed a lot and had our big family argument - hehehehe - which is always fun. My Jim had to put his big mouth in though, and he seems to think his point of view is the only correct one!!!! Boy, is he in for a shock! Hahahaha.
Jimmy and I did the same Sudoku puzzle, and I beat him, even though he worked on his longer. Hahahahahaha!
The trip down was quite interesting....Tuffy puked and pooped in the car!! And foamed at the mouth the whole way down...Gads!!!!! But he's fine now.
Well, talk to you all later.....adios.
Was pleasantly surprised to see your post---- not as much competition for the computer as at Mikki's-- the corn and company was great--- we know who the sudoku whiz is now ,rather, we know who it isn't !~!!!! See you soon with potato salad, cooling in minifrig!!
Hey - nice seeing your post, and just to let you know - I let you win the Sudoku puzzle - hahahaha
you've been tagged MArsha
You are making me so jealous!! CORN YUM!!! I picked up a few cobs before I came up north but that's all I will get until next summer... Some things are just too hard to get up here at our general stores!
I laughed when you talked about Tuffy's car ride. We brought our cat to visit my nanny's trailer near Antigonish and my uncle fed her a tonne of ham fat before we left to drive all the way home. Well, none of us knew what he had secretly done- the jokester that he was- until a half hour later when a piece, still completely intact slide out of my cats mouth onto the floor. All of us kids pulled our feet up quickly and yelled ewwwwww!! And the smell of it stayed with us the whole way home. I still don't know how she even fit a piece that long and wide into her little digestive tract, but wished it had stayed in there!!!
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