Can't think of a Title
My poor Tuff
ycat - I think he has been attacked by a big mean bird! He came home the other night with feathers on him! I can't imagine what else it could be. Those little sparrows can be very vicious you know.
Today is beautiful, hot, but not too hot and not muggy at all. Sure feels good to be able to breathe.
I wonder is there a nurse in the house? I will give you my symptons. My back aches badly when standing (or trying to stand) and sometimes when laying down, but not when sitting down! My right leg is aching like it has a cramp in it - aspirin eases it a little, and the pinky finger on my left hand is numb and tingly. I'm not sure if it's two fingers or just the one. And I have no Doctor!!!! If I go to the emergency dept (formerly known and Outpatients) I will have to wait for ages and ages and ages. They only take you in quickly if you are having chest pains. Of course, I could Say I was having chest pains, and then when I get in and all needled up and hooked up to the heart monitor, I could casually mention that my back is killing me too!! Hmmmmm, must think about that for a while.
Anyway, being a sort of a hypochondriac I have diagnosed myself with the following conditions: Cancer (if so, I don't want to know), Blood Clot in leg (if so, I don't want to know), Pinched Nerve, the beginning symptons of ALS (better known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and if so, I don't want to know), and last but not least Laying Around on my Back doing Nothing Syndrome....more commonly known as Chronic Lazyitis. I remember once when I was around 14, I complained to Mom that my back hurt...and she said 'That's probably cause you're laying on your back all the time doing nothing'. Ouch! Way Ouch!
Well, we are tentatively planning on visiting Yarmouth this coming Thursday providing all is well with the vehicles etc. I am not looking forward to the drive though, sorry to say, after the horrifying experience coming from North Sydney to the mainland! Man, that was rough!
Of course, we won't be in Ferry traffic, but I just don't enjoy driving anymore.
Well, must go check out the blogs! Adios

Today is beautiful, hot, but not too hot and not muggy at all. Sure feels good to be able to breathe.
I wonder is there a nurse in the house? I will give you my symptons. My back aches badly when standing (or trying to stand) and sometimes when laying down, but not when sitting down! My right leg is aching like it has a cramp in it - aspirin eases it a little, and the pinky finger on my left hand is numb and tingly. I'm not sure if it's two fingers or just the one. And I have no Doctor!!!! If I go to the emergency dept (formerly known and Outpatients) I will have to wait for ages and ages and ages. They only take you in quickly if you are having chest pains. Of course, I could Say I was having chest pains, and then when I get in and all needled up and hooked up to the heart monitor, I could casually mention that my back is killing me too!! Hmmmmm, must think about that for a while.
Anyway, being a sort of a hypochondriac I have diagnosed myself with the following conditions: Cancer (if so, I don't want to know), Blood Clot in leg (if so, I don't want to know), Pinched Nerve, the beginning symptons of ALS (better known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and if so, I don't want to know), and last but not least Laying Around on my Back doing Nothing Syndrome....more commonly known as Chronic Lazyitis. I remember once when I was around 14, I complained to Mom that my back hurt...and she said 'That's probably cause you're laying on your back all the time doing nothing'. Ouch! Way Ouch!
Well, we are tentatively planning on visiting Yarmouth this coming Thursday providing all is well with the vehicles etc. I am not looking forward to the drive though, sorry to say, after the horrifying experience coming from North Sydney to the mainland! Man, that was rough!
Of course, we won't be in Ferry traffic, but I just don't enjoy driving anymore.
Well, must go check out the blogs! Adios
We're looking forward to your visit. Corn season suggests a corn boil. At least, while traveling, you'l be sitting, a position that doesn't hurt the back. We could probably throw in a barbecue as well.
Wonder if that poor bird made it home!!!! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend, if you haven't succumbed to cancer, blodclots, or ALS------ just kidding----- laugh--Yarmouth is not the place to be if you need the services of a doctor-- vets would be better than what acts as a doctor at outpatients here-- hey, take Tuffy to the vet and casually mention that your cat has all those symptoms-- except for the pinky finger--- do a google search--- sorry, can't be more helpful-- I'm really looking forward to corn though, assuming I'm invited, ha ha , so try to make it down!!!!! love, really!!
I did a Google search on numbness in one (possibly two) fingers - that's how I came up with ALS!!!!! I stopped googling then and there. Corn boils and barbecues sound good to me!
For a moment, I thought you were having feet trouble-- corns, and boils!!!
Hey - looking forward to a visit - and those clinics mentioned by LJLC sound like a good idea. Hope your feeling better.
Love - Fireguy
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