Well, if I have To!
Well, I guess I have t
o write a blog. I wrote a blog a few days ago and guess how many comments I got? None, zero, zilch, nada, nothing, nil!!!!! I am K-rushed beyond repair! But, Nannan is back (yea!!!!!) so I will probably get a comment now! Now I know LJLC had her computer out for repair...but Fireguy and Mikki...well....what is your excuse,eh? Too good to talk to me after I take time out of my busy, busy, busy day to write a blog, just for your edification..hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Okay...I'm over it now! How was your vacation Nannan? Man it was so hot here I practically died every day. The fans have been on constantly blowing hot air and dust around! But, then suddenly last night, I awoke in the middle of the night....and I was cold! I had to turn the fan off! Quite a drastic quick change. So it's not too bad today. I liked your pictures Nannan (I'm only talking to her today). Did you see the pics of Caitlyn with her tongue out and with Grumpy Jim. That's what Eric and Jamie call him..not Grampy Jim...Grumpy Jim for reasons which are probably known to all who know Jim personally. Hehehehehehehe. I'm glad he doesn't read these things.
So today is Friday - woohoo! Even though I'm not working anymore, I still like Friday. Old habits die hard! I think Jamie will be coming back from boot camp today.
Oh, by the way, Nannan, did you get caught up on Big Brother yet? Man, it's making me mad, but I enjoy hollering at the TV.
I am going to go check out the other blogs now...and I may or may NOT comment. Talk to you later.
BTW - don't know when going to Yarmouth.....back killing me.

Okay...I'm over it now! How was your vacation Nannan? Man it was so hot here I practically died every day. The fans have been on constantly blowing hot air and dust around! But, then suddenly last night, I awoke in the middle of the night....and I was cold! I had to turn the fan off! Quite a drastic quick change. So it's not too bad today. I liked your pictures Nannan (I'm only talking to her today). Did you see the pics of Caitlyn with her tongue out and with Grumpy Jim. That's what Eric and Jamie call him..not Grampy Jim...Grumpy Jim for reasons which are probably known to all who know Jim personally. Hehehehehehehe. I'm glad he doesn't read these things.
So today is Friday - woohoo! Even though I'm not working anymore, I still like Friday. Old habits die hard! I think Jamie will be coming back from boot camp today.
Oh, by the way, Nannan, did you get caught up on Big Brother yet? Man, it's making me mad, but I enjoy hollering at the TV.
I am going to go check out the other blogs now...and I may or may NOT comment. Talk to you later.
BTW - don't know when going to Yarmouth.....back killing me.
Hey, part of my blog is missing. When I went to edit it, it showed it was there. There is a whole sentence missing!!!!
Maybe the missing part was something you weren't supposed to say!!! ??? But now I'm curious---Keji was fun, but enough-- think maybe we've outgrown camping-- out aged-- maybe next year a chalet???I saw the picture of jim and caitlyn, but it was just too much exposure--- but Caitlyn was cute ;) I haven't a clue about Big Brother-- was blogging last night while it was on in the background, but I guess you need to pay 100 % attention to "get it"-so what's the scoop-- now I'll have to wait until Sunday-- Australians have the right idea- five days a week of BB--- I've got a potato salad waiting on your visit-- love ya---
That's really strange-- sometimes the writing is there, sometimes it isn't--- try resizing the photo to see what happens-- but I know what it says--------
As soon as I posted the comment, and went back, tada, there it was--
Have you checked with your Dr. Re: your back?
I have no interest in Big Brother program - have never gotten into it.
When did the back problems start?
Sadly, I don't have a Doctor...he retired! It feels like a pinched nerve.
It comes and goes..some days I can't even stand up straight.
Oddly enough it doesn't hurt at all when I am sitting on a hard chair.
Hey Fireguy...would you watch a show called 'Big Sister'? hahahahahhahahha.
A535- a skidoo drivers best friend... especially when I had an old style, low rider skidoo... That stuff does wonders, but I guess it depends on what is wrong.
Thanks Northernlight...It feels more like a pinched nerve than an actual 'pain'. I wish I had a Doctor..sob sob sob.
Sorry, it's only me again, but I thought thirteen might be unlucky==
I don't know if you would find it too painful, but in the North I do exercises on a pilates ball twice a week with some other teachers. Well, the way those exercises are designed they are very amazing for stretching out and reaching all of those muscles, nerves, joints... maybe stretching on a ball like that might help work out the pinch? (I think they sometimes have them at the gym and maybe a trainer could help?
I know some people who use those balls as a desk chair because it helps keep their spine in line and helps them to strengthen their core muscles which helps to prevent future injury. Might be something to look into?
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