She Smiles
Just a quick
note before I start getting ready for the trip. Caitlyn Smiles. No wonder Tom Cruise won't show pictures of his baby, and Brangelina are probably jealous as all heck! Hehehehe. Here is the most beautiful 3-month old baby in the whole world! (Notice I said 3-month old!). Ok..gotta go have tea, shower, shave legs (prepare for rain), get cat accessories ready...etc etc etc. Bye for now.

Just name the day...hehehe...we're hitting the road as soon as I log off this computer.
The only way I can read your post is to click on "show original post" on his page-- on the main page I only see the pic of Caitlyn, and yes she is the cutest 3 month old in the world!!! Hey, what has happened to tom's baby---
CUTE!! That's all I can say!!!
Enjoy your time in Yarmouth, I am kind of jealous! Let all those bloggers that know about your back troubles chip in and massage all of those kinks and pains away when you are home!! (I would volunteer but I am not there now! hehehe)
Great corn boil tonight--- But you've just been tagged-- go to my site and figure it out, but blame houseband!!!
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