Late Post
Hi all. I know
this is a late post for me, but I have a good reason. When Jim went out this morning to go to the grocery store, guess what? The car would not start! It was dead, totally dead. So, he did something involving pushing it down a hill or something, and it started, but he had no lights, radio, idiot lights, speedometer, nothing....all the electronics were out. On his way to Jimmy's barn, where he was going to look at it, it stalled every time he had to stop. He had to get three boosts from people along the way (good thing he knows everybody in this town), and he finally got to the barn. There he fully charged the battery, and took out all the fuses.....cleaned them off and re-inserted them, and so far it appears to be working. The only thing not working at this point is the cigarette lighter which he only uses to charge his cell phone. So.....we will see what happens tomorrow morning. This may affect our trip to Yarmouth...just a warning. But if the car doesn't start tomorrow because the battery drained overnight or whatever, I'm not up to taking a chance on it on a long trip. So, I am not feeling very jolly tonight!
We have quite a history of trouble with vehicles....and each time something happens I just get a little bit more paranoid.
To make things worse, I had a really bad night last night. The pain was so bad it woke me up at around two in the morning, and there was no way I could get comfortable enough to get back to sleep. So, I got up and played some computer games whilst sitting on a hard chair, took three aspirins, and finally around five I went back to bed and was able to sleep. When I got up around ten this morning I felt a bit better...and actually my back hasn't been that bad today.
So people, I am a little disgruntled today, tired and discouraged! Please cheer me up with your wonderful comments!
Also, I cleaned the kitty litter thoroughly today, added baking soda, put fresh litter in, and the absolute minute I was done....Tuffy came in and p---ed in it! It sucks to be me!
Pain waking you up from a sound sleep sounds like pain needing to be checked--- did you try that robaxacet? Hope the car is still energized and you can make it down-- looking forward to seeing you-- lots of love-- biker gal
I didn't really explain fully why I was posting late...was waiting for the 'car report'.
Cars , they pick the worst times to break down ... Hope fully it doesnt spoil your trip! .
That's great advice from your mom, ljlc--- don't brag about your car or your man-- oh, oh, I'd better stop saying nice things about Frank, that good for nothing ne'er do well!!!!!!!!
Ahhh..Excuuuusssseeeee me..but it seems Nannan is always bragging about her man...not that there's anything wrong with that..hehehehe...
I would brag about Jim..but I am much too modest for that (?).
Well, he does cook for me! And everybody the way!
P.S. That's not bragging...just a comment!
My back feels real good right seems to come and go.
And, actually it wasn't the pain that woke me up....I had to pee..and then I noticed the pain.
Isn't it strange that the moment you put fresh litter in the box, kitties will use it? Not only that, they come in from outside to do it!!!!
Better get that car working - kick it!!
Isn't it a lonely feeling when no one else is "on"---comeon guys--
We're all wondering if the car is working today-- if you post tonight, the title could be, "An Even Later Post"
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