Trip News

Anyway the food was delicious, I ate too much had to save my cheesecake for bed lunch. Susan makes great potato salad, love it. So went to be bed fairly early and full.
Sunday, another beautiful day....get up, have my tea, get packed up, clean up our room, load up the car, and guess Tuffy!!!! Anywhere!!! We searched the house top to bottom, about five times. Even looked in dresser drawers and ceiling rafters. Tempted him with food, and opened doors to the outside to tempt him to show himself so he could go out! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! I was getting hot and sweaty, and perturbed. Finally we thought, he must have got out, although I don't know how he could Fireguy and I used walkie-talkies and he started searching outside and I started the inside again. Finally found him hiding in the back of a closet behind a box on a shelf that I did not know was there. Sheesh! Had to get Fireguy to pull him out of there cause I couldn't fit. So we didn't get away until about 1:45. Oh that cat is going to drive me crazy one of these days.
However the trip wasn't too bad....he only puked this poop!
The weather was great until we hit Truro, then the skies opened up and it poured rain and thundered and lightening -ed the rest of the way home. I got totally soaked just going from the car to the door - It was like I had taken a shower with my clothes on! But, we are home safely now.
Nannan thinks she can see a resemblance to Mikki in Caitlyn, whereas I, at first glance thought she looked just like Todd. So I will be posting another blog today with comparison pictures - although Mikki is two in the picture....but there's something about the eyes. I'll let you guys be the judge.
Okay...carpal tunnel setting in (just kidding) so I'll go now. Sayonara
Hey - I got a ticket to CCR. Let me know if you are going, the cost is a little over $40.00 but includes several bands. Gates open at three, concert starts at 5:00. CCR probably won't be playing at least until 8 or so, depending on how long opening acts are, so would be a long but fun day. I can call the box office for another one if you want to go.
Thanks for the offer, but I think it will go on too late for me! I do like CCR, but all that music will probably give me a headache....but you have a great time and we'll be glad to see you.
I think it was Mom just letting us know she was there, especially when the lights flickered right above us, on what otherewise, had been a beautiful day--- That Tuffy is quite the "cagey" cat--- glad he survived the trip home--
I love her baking too, but she won't give me her secrets. She just says do this and that and this and that et voila! It's easy she says. She makes a choclolate thingie that is to die for. Apparently all you do is poke a few holes in a hot cake..and...???
Hi Tuffysmom,
I just hopped on over from Nan's to check on your blog problem.
Seems to be ok now. Might have been a server error deep in the bowels of cyberspace.
Glad everything's fuxed.
Thanks HB...but it wasn't me having the was Teahound...but I sure am glad you made a comment on my blog! I've been reading yours and left a comment today, but it didn't show up, so I didn't know if you accepted it or not.
Take care...
I don't suppose anyone saved any cheesecake for me? *pout* It's nice that Grandmother found a way to make her presence known :o) Loves ya!
Mikki--- that was the smallest cheesecake ever made---- Grandfather said it should be called a cheescookie-- I could have eaten the whole thing, but fireguy was cutting!!!
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