Shoppers Drug Mart
This is a very blurry
image of the Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum Card. You get points for every purchase including drugs. Now, since we are on a lot of drugs (especially Jim) we get a lot of points. And once you reach a certain amount of points you get to buy $75.00 worth of stuff and you only have to pay the sales tax. That's what we did today. $75.00 worth of stuff cost us $9.00 plus change.
So, what did we buy you may ask (or not...but I'm telling you anyway). Well, I bought a pocket novel (good), six boxes of Kraft Dinner (it was on for 50 cents a box and I love Kraft Dinner), some face wipies (they are supposed to exfoliate, but they don't), and the rest.....well, here we go! Two packages of Bridge Mixture, Three packages of Licorice Allsorts, Two bags of chips, Three bags of Hickory Sticks, Two bottles of Chocolate Milk, One package of M&M's candy, and a few chocolate bars. And Jim is a Diabetic! I probably am too, I haven't had a blood test in years. Man..what a waste. We could have bought a Swiffer thingie (you know what I mean....the mop that makes women dance when they mop the floors)...but no...we need our candy and chips.
So...our secret is out...keep it to yourselves please..don't tell anybody!

So, what did we buy you may ask (or not...but I'm telling you anyway). Well, I bought a pocket novel (good), six boxes of Kraft Dinner (it was on for 50 cents a box and I love Kraft Dinner), some face wipies (they are supposed to exfoliate, but they don't), and the rest.....well, here we go! Two packages of Bridge Mixture, Three packages of Licorice Allsorts, Two bags of chips, Three bags of Hickory Sticks, Two bottles of Chocolate Milk, One package of M&M's candy, and a few chocolate bars. And Jim is a Diabetic! I probably am too, I haven't had a blood test in years. Man..what a waste. We could have bought a Swiffer thingie (you know what I mean....the mop that makes women dance when they mop the floors)...but no...we need our candy and chips.
So...our secret is out...keep it to yourselves please..don't tell anybody!
Wow- you guys went on a rampage- what does exfoliate mean anyway-how was Jim's weekend away?
I'm going to call it a night, I think, I'll try to tear myself away, but I might keep checking to see if teahound gets home early enough to write- if Nytol kicks in, then "that's all she wrote"- good night- there must be nothing good on tv tonite
I'm not sure..I think it means remove dead skin cells and hair etc. Hey, you're the one who bought the dictionary. Hang on, I'll look it up. come off in thin layers or scales. Supposed to remove the first layer of skin and make you glow!!!!
Oh..Jim came home very early on Sat. I guess it's not as fun as it used to be when he was young! Ruined my plans. Sheesh
What?! You didn't spend any of your $75.00 on your new grand-daughter (or, more importantly, her mother)? I agree, that was a waste :o) I wouldn't bother with the Swiffer, though - it doesn't make me dance at all. Maybe if I used it with strawberry daiqueries...
I'm planning on buying stuff for my new granddaughter when I get there...or when I'm invited over...whichever comes first!!!!!! I want to give it to her personally.
I couldn't really comment on the p&p cleaning duties, Frank has done his share, probably more than his share- and furballs too!!!
Getting tired of clicking on this Shoppers card- new posting needed-
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