I Hate Sundays

This is how I feel on Sundays. This is my oldest Grandson by the way. My pride and joy (hehehe). When I was working, I spent the whole week looking forward to the weekend....well Friday and Saturday anyway. On Fridays we didn't do much new work, just sort of cleaned up from the week, and I could stay up late and sleep in on Sat. I never really did like Sunday too much because I spent all day freaking out about going to work on Monday. Anyhoo, now that I am retired, and have no kids around...I find Sat. and Sun. boring boring boring!!!!! There's nothing on TV, the weather is usually bad ----my whole routine is upset. Oh, there are plenty of things I could do. I could wash the kitchen floor, clean out the cupboards, clean the bathroom, wash the walls etc. etc. etc. Or I could read, knit, hook my rug or play my computer games. But on Sundays, I just can't get motivated to do anything! So, I think I will do what my Grandson is doing in the picture....Lie down until the good TV comes on. Hockey game tonight!!!!! Take care all...have a nice Sunday!
There is no good tv on Sunday, is there??? I saw the picture on someone's blog then did a picture search for bush and chimpanzee-
I only got to see a little of Coronation Street, in between feeding Austin, but I saw Janice!!!Takes a lot of guts to do that- they must pay her enough!
I'll look like Eric in the picture tomorrow morning - sleeping in. No work - woohoo!!!
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