Terrorist Cat

Well, I'll try again...I tried to post this blog before and my computer went blooey. This is Lewis the Cat aka The Terrorist of Sunset Circle. Apparently he attacks everyone he sees. He sneaks up behind them and pounces. He is a five year old black and white long-haired cat and has six toes on each foot, therefore causing considerable damage to his victims. Sometimes he tricks them by laying down on his back and looking cute, and when they pet him he kills them (sheesh, Tuffy does that to me all the time)! The thing is, his owner is being charged CRIMINALLY with Reckless Endangerment! She was offered a plea bargain wherein she would serve no jail time if she killed her cat ( they called it euthanasia, but we all know what that means). She refused so I guess it's going to trial. Right now, poor Lews is under House Arrest! I wonder if he has a tracking bracelet on his leg. But imagine...his owner could go to jail!!! Lewis sounds like my kind of cat...he even took on the Avon lady, and that can't be a bad thing, can it? They showed some video of him on TV and he's really cute, but I'm prejudiced because I love cats. I have a cat collection (not real cats...but I have over a hundred figurines). Actually, it's starting to drive me a little crazy....have to dust them! Oh, who am I kidding, I never dust them. Cats like dust.
Anyhoo...went to the Dr. today and I have an antibiotic, ear drops and salve. The ear drops and salve both contain cortisone....so you could say...I am on steroids! Good thing I'm not playing Hockey or Baseball or Tennis or anything at all. Actually, I feel better today...always happens when going to Dr. All of a sudden you feel better. And for the first time in years my blood pressure was absolutely normal - 120/80!!!!! Well, I hope this uploads, cause I'm not writing it again! Later folks.
How about that, both blogs are here. Tried to delete one, but it didn't work.
Hmmm, looks like it worked now...the first blog is deleted.
He looks scary to me- wouldn't want his dozen paws clawing me- why don't they just put him on a tranquilizer- works for us!!!Glad you're feeling better- you can delete a blog by going to edit post and deleting it from there.
OOps, we must have been writing at the same time- did you see mikki's photo album- the slide show feature is neat-
They did put him on Prozac, but it made him too sleepy, so she took him off it.
Tea hound must be hard at work today, and fireguy and Traveling Man are probably somewhere over ontario by now-
I'm going to check MSN and see if they are online..it is four hours earlier there after all.
They said they'd be arriving at 8:40 pm, so I doubt they'll be on tonite=
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