The Weekend

This is a picture of me and my gorgeous son taken last year in Toronto. We were having a celebratory drink because he had just been re-sworn into the Army and he was very happy. He had left the Army a couple of years earlier and was really anxious to get back in. Not a really good picture of him, but he is very handsome!!!!!! The reason I posted this is because he called me last night, and that was the highlight of my weekend!
I had a lousy weekend. I was Oscar the Grouch for no apparent reason other than it was easier to be grouchy than nice. Spent most of the time in bed sleeping. My ear is so itchy it's driving me crazy and I want to rip it off my head. But that would do no good, as the itch is inside my head where it can't be reached unless I poke a knitting needle in there and I don't want to get guck on my knitting needle.
Oh Great! Looks like today is going to continue on the same's only 7:30 a.m, and already things are going wrong. I just melted the handle off my friggin tea pot!!! Now, how am I going to pour my tea????? Already I am in a killing mood! Hang on. BRB. Ahhhhh, Tea! I had to use a small measuring cup to dip into the pot and then into my cup. I have a headache of all headaches...I think it's the antibiotics, they are very strong. While I'm on them I have to limit my consumption of caffeine, which means cut down on the cola and the chololate. Now everyone who knows me, knows that I carry a drink of cola with me at all times. Yesterday I was drinking water (BRAINWAVE - now I know why the headache!). Gads, I should leave you people in peace. I can't even stand myself....may check in later, when and if things improve......Peace all.
Saw Shannon and Frank on Saturday. Got some pictures to show later. Cole is lively!
Pollywog turned into Prince Charming!! He is handsome, see what I mean about beauty skipping a generation- but we're happy to sacrifice for our kids-
Those caffeine withdrawal headaches are killers- but we don't need a reason to be grouchy, we just are- glad you felt up to posting- see if you can get Paul going on it- cousins connecting-
I had to have some cola today...So I drink mostly water, but I can't withdraw so quickly. I feel a little better, but sleepy - antibiotics do that to me. I got some yellow gunk out of my ear today...hope it's clearing up.
Holy cow, Mom! Grouchiness must be genetic - I had to spend the whole evening with a grouchy baby girl who kept spitting up on me and then insisting on being fed again. It was a vicious circle; or, perhaps, a viscous circle *cackle* *cackle* Anyway, I hope the two of you are in better moods tomorrow. I don't want to have to out-grouch either of you!
You were a spitter-upper too..everything in the house was covered with it..hehehehe. But, you weren't a grouchy baby...that seems to have developed over the years..Now, Shannon was a grouchy baby!
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