It's just been too hum
id and muggy to move, and the rain will not stop! Everything in the house feels damp and sticky, including the humans. I can smell mildew and mold, which (I think) accounts for my total feeling of listlessnes, and fatigue. The air is so heavy you can almost see it. June is almost gone, hard to believe.
Well,, I will be going over to Nlfd on July 5th, only staying for a week or so, unless I perk up a bit. But I've just got to see that family of mine!
I am enjoying the Animal Planet Channel...watched an elephant being born, and some baby pythons hatch! And, also some pet rats. I like pet rats....but two would do me. You pretty well have to have at least two because they are sociable and like company.
Must finish my tea now and try to wake up a to you guys later.

Well,, I will be going over to Nlfd on July 5th, only staying for a week or so, unless I perk up a bit. But I've just got to see that family of mine!
I am enjoying the Animal Planet Channel...watched an elephant being born, and some baby pythons hatch! And, also some pet rats. I like pet rats....but two would do me. You pretty well have to have at least two because they are sociable and like company.
Must finish my tea now and try to wake up a to you guys later.
There's nothing like a baby to perk you up!!!!! I'm so glad for you- are you going alone? Be sure to keep us posted and send some pictures- Has big brother cat started yet? I just may have to get that Animal Channel- Everything here is soggy too-- but it's not that hot- so bearable-
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