Smart Cat
Hey, Fireguy - why didn't you t
ell us Shania could play Freecell!! I bet it was Dad who taught her. She looks like she's doing pretty good. I can't figure that game out at all! Now Michelle can play, and Dad wins most of the time, but I (as in life) just can't think that far ahead! Hehehehe.
Now, speaking of cats...while watching the Today show I found out that there is going to be a new reality show coming out! Woohoo! But it's on the Animal Planet channel, so I ordered the Animal Channel.
Now here's how the reality show goes. They are going to put 10 adult cats in an apartment to live together. They will have to compete in various competitions...i.e. climbing, paw painting ( where the they dip the cat's feet into paint and then they walk on paper)....etc etc etc. Every week, one cat will be voted out of the house by the viewers! It's gonna be a blast!!!! Now worry not cat lovers, the voted out cats will be adopted by a loving family! So, they actually win. These are cats looking for new homes, all neutred and spayed. The program is to promote the humane society and to raise awareness of the plight of animals or something like that!
I always wanted the Animal planet channel anyway, and this gave me an excuse! I wish I had caught the name of the show though...but I'm sure we'll hear more about it.
Today is extremely windy, but quite hot....if it weren't windy we would all be dying of heat exhaustion by now. Yesterday was bad too. We had two funs going all day just to be able to breathe. Better than the rain though.
Well, over and out guys.....have a nice day....Marsh

Now, speaking of cats...while watching the Today show I found out that there is going to be a new reality show coming out! Woohoo! But it's on the Animal Planet channel, so I ordered the Animal Channel.
Now here's how the reality show goes. They are going to put 10 adult cats in an apartment to live together. They will have to compete in various competitions...i.e. climbing, paw painting ( where the they dip the cat's feet into paint and then they walk on paper)....etc etc etc. Every week, one cat will be voted out of the house by the viewers! It's gonna be a blast!!!! Now worry not cat lovers, the voted out cats will be adopted by a loving family! So, they actually win. These are cats looking for new homes, all neutred and spayed. The program is to promote the humane society and to raise awareness of the plight of animals or something like that!
I always wanted the Animal planet channel anyway, and this gave me an excuse! I wish I had caught the name of the show though...but I'm sure we'll hear more about it.
Today is extremely windy, but quite hot....if it weren't windy we would all be dying of heat exhaustion by now. Yesterday was bad too. We had two funs going all day just to be able to breathe. Better than the rain though.
Well, over and out guys.....have a nice day....Marsh
Fans, not funs...sheesh..
And I thought you were the one who had mastered spellcheck- funny picture- where was it taken- don't recognize the surroundings- That sounds like a great reality show- wouldn't want to be the director- when does it start? I just may have to follow suit and order that channel- still holding out on court tv though-
I found the pic on the internet. But I'm not sure if I got the cat's name right. I always forget which one's Kayla and which one's Shania(not Twain). By the way, where is everybody?
I'm here!!! As always- this is my life- babies and blogging-
No wonder I didn't recognize the house- pretty good likeness of Shania-
Kayla is the white cat...Shania is the black one.
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