Bloodshot eyes

From cryin in bed,
Thinking of Ed-
monton losing the game.
Oh, the shame, shame, shame!
We were once the Hockey greats
Very best country ever on skates
Now, it looks like it's the States!
And I must say, that really grates!
So I sit here and write this ditty
Whilst my eyes are dry and gritty
Trying to be strong and witty
Cause last night's game was plainly Shitty!!!
Marsha Fitt, June 13, 2006 Untitled
Bet you guys didn't know I could write poetry...hehehehehe....This poem has no title so I'm having a Name the Poem Contest. Winner gets Nothing!!!!! Loser gets the Stanley Cup!
Anyway, I finally found out why my eyes are always bloodshot (hence the pic of bloodshot eye, not mine...somebody elses). When I was at the eye specialist I asked him, and it appears I have a condition called Roscea! Now I've heard of that, but usually it's on the face - big red blotches...but there is also ocular roscea. The Dr said it is genetic...nothing I can really do - it's like the colour of your hair or the freckle on your arm - and I'm quoting him. I asked him about the stuff they advertise on TV for Red-Eye and he said No - I don't want you putting any of that stuff in your eyes! Because of my high risk of Glaucoma I guess. He actually asked if it bothered me...and I said "Yes, of course - I always look either hung-over or extremely tired!". But, nothing I can do folks. I have ocular roscea!
I looked it up on the Internet and there are ways to ease it - washing your eyes with just water, wear sunglasses, avoid alcohol and spicy foods etc etc etc. It occurs more often in women than men (naturally!).
Well, that's my blog for today...this is Ol Red Eye signing out......gotta go vote!
Impressive poem- "Shitty Ditty" is my entry and I defy anybody to top that--- Genetic huh? Another thing to worry about---But at least you've got an excuse for when you really are hung over- there's always a silver lining- I watched the third period, just to bond with my fellow bloggers- I think I'm bad luck- but it's not over yet!!
So far your's is the best!!! Read Mike's Blogs. They are hilarious!
I was up at 6 this morning, and read the blogs by 6:04- had to start the computer- who are you voting for, or should we say- never know if John Hamm might be reading this!!!
Michael had two posts- did you read the one about SHC? With him, it's feast or famine- have you heard from Mikki lately? I guess our kids actually have lives- apart from blogging---
I'm at a loss for words - but I haven't given up on Edmonton quite yet. Yogi Berra used to say.."It ain't over till it's over."
I would call this poem "Excrement on Ice", or maybe, "Losers' Lament". Hey, neat! I can type with a baby in my arms! *kissy* *kissy*
I thought it was "It ain't over till the fat lady sings" LALALALALALALALAL dee dee LA LA
I can't pick a winner yet for the title....I really like Shitty Ditty...but for the more sophisticated amongst us...I may have to go with 'Excrement on Ice'. Have to wait until all the entries are in.
Okay okay, how about "Witty Ditty" I think you're playing favourtism,
I say we let Frank , the vicarious blogger, be the judge--heh?
Well, since this is a contest..and I wrote the poem...perhaps we should have an 'Impartial' judge. Just remember..the winner gets Nothing!!!!! Hehehehehe...I like Excrement on Ice...sounds like a ballet!!!!
I'm waiting for Traveling Man to come with a title...until then..everything's on hold!
Just had to leave one more comment- 13 is unlucky- and God knows we don't need bad luck---
Now if you're still waiting for Traveling Man to chime in, it could be a long time before you post again- so give it up, and declare me the winner!!!
Don't be silly! You can't declare NanNan the winner... clearly it is I who will be declared the winner, as my entry is the most fitting and amusing :o)
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