Our very nice day
On Tuesday, after voting, Jim and I decided to go for a little drive around town. We hadn't done that in quite a while because of the cost of gas. And we had to use the Blazer because the car isn't licensed yet. Anyhoo, we drove around in the pouring rain, visited the cemetery for over an hour or so...just talking and reminiscing. It was really nice. Then we decided to go out to Westville where we used to live to see how our tree was doing. We hadn't planted this tree, but it was just a tiny thing. We nurtured it, and every year Dad would come up and trim it (not trimmed now, as you can see). It looked like the perfect Christmas Tree and everybody would comment on it. As it grew we would decorate it with lights on Christmas. The first Christmas it only needed one string of lights..but by the time we left...we were putting ten strings of lights on it. Dad's trimming kept it from getting scrawny and tall and let it fill out perfectly. I think the new people are still trimming it, it's just a little too early yet. I think the picture is fuzzy because it was pouring rain! But, my camera is not the best either. Maybe Dad can post a picture of it when it was little. Anyway, Jim and I had a lovely day. Away from the TV and the Computer. But I'm a just amazed that all three of us visited gravesites all around the same time. It's as if we're all connected somehow. Any thoughts on that?Woohoo, Edmonton pulled it out in an overtime period!!!! I almost had a heart attack when it went into overtime! So, we live to play another day!!! So, fat lady...stop singing. Hehehehe.
That was quite a coincidence- inexplicable- and yet, maybe it is a sign- fireguy mentioned that he would feel better if mom's ashes were buried at the gravesite where her name is engraved, and maybe that's a clear message for us that's what she wants too? Remember, I don't believe in coincidences, and how else could she let us know? And by the way, I'm good with that- it feels right-
What about you?
Oh, another thought, as much as she hates computers, she's probably very pleased that we are blogging and keeping connected- and about the ashes, I remember saying, when it's right, we'll know what to do- and soon as I read your post, I got goosebumps, and understood the connection-
I even watched the third period and overtime-- Jennah said mom, why are you watching hocke, me: because I know Jimmy, Marsha, and dad are-- even Frank woke up!!!
You probably get excited upon seeing 4 comments, then, what a let down- they're all from me!!!!
Hahahaha...I'm not disappointed that they're all from you!!!
I absolutely agree about the ashes! It always seemed strange to me that she was not where her name is engraved!
Yippee!!! Houston, we have liftoff!!
Gads, what are you doing? Sitting at the computer waiting for comments....hehehehehehe!
Hey tuffysmom, is this evidence that you really do have a digital camera?
It's a combination Webcam and Digital Camera..but it doesn't take very good pictures...why, were you going to buy me one...hehehehehehehhe?
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