Happy Canada's Day
Happy Canada's Day
all. I got this picture of the flag from the Town of Westville's Home Page. Yes....Westville has a Web Page! Go figure! Around these parts, Westville is the town that gets to celebrate Canada's Day. Pictou has the Lobster Carnival, New Glasgow has Festival of the Tartans, Trenton has something else, and Stellarton has ...ahhh....something else too. The fair will be in full swing, the Westville Legion will be open to all, and the beer will run freely (not free mind you, just freely). People who can't sing or play will bring their guitars, and they will sound great! The big parade takes place at 11 a.m. (mostly fire trucks), but lots of Bagpipe Bands - which I like. However, they don't usually play where I am standing....no matter where I stand, they see me, and stop playing! Hehehehehe....then the evening is capped off with a marvelous 10 minute display of fireworks. Unfortunately, it is calling for lots of rain! I hope not, but man, it sure poured this morning...came down like a waterfall there for a while. Just sprinkling now.
I don't think I will be attending any of the festivities.....that would require me leaving the house! However you never know!
I missed Larry King last night. I fell asleep! It was so hot here and sticky, when I got in bed I put on the least possible clothes I could without disturbing myself (if you get my drift)...Long shorts and loose t-shirt, put the fan on full blast, took my sleeping pill, started watching a movie and Bingo! I was out like a light. Woke up at 1:45...just when the second Larry King was on, so saw the last 15 minutes. Then woke up again at 4:55 when the third Larry King was just ending! Sheesh. But Star is on the Today show in a few minutes...so I'll see some of that.
Well, I guess I've bored you guys enough for one day. Have fun tomorrow, whatever you do on Canada's Day, do it well!!! Hehehehehe.

I don't think I will be attending any of the festivities.....that would require me leaving the house! However you never know!
I missed Larry King last night. I fell asleep! It was so hot here and sticky, when I got in bed I put on the least possible clothes I could without disturbing myself (if you get my drift)...Long shorts and loose t-shirt, put the fan on full blast, took my sleeping pill, started watching a movie and Bingo! I was out like a light. Woke up at 1:45...just when the second Larry King was on, so saw the last 15 minutes. Then woke up again at 4:55 when the third Larry King was just ending! Sheesh. But Star is on the Today show in a few minutes...so I'll see some of that.
Well, I guess I've bored you guys enough for one day. Have fun tomorrow, whatever you do on Canada's Day, do it well!!! Hehehehehe.
Miss the festivites- how unpatriotic- gotta drink beer, eh?It's not an easy thing to miss Larry King- how many times a night is he on? Wasn't too earth shattering- my sympathies lie with Star though- I think Larry was acting as a sycophant for Barbara Walters- she can't appear on the talk shows, so she sends in a statement- I found Star to be sincere, dignified, and honest- I think they're all afraid of Walters- much ado about nothing- I'm sure the interview will be repeated-How do you stop the rain!! Enough- the lake is rising-
Better start building an Ark....the downpours continue.
I sympathize with Star too..but she got hew own back I think. She made Barbara Walters look bad! Big Corporations and those who represent them, can and do, destroy people without a second thought. But Star will be more popular than ever now I think.
P.S. I don't drink beer! Ewwwwwwww.....I like rum and wine. Hehehehehe.
Just checked out Cnn's Web Page...the interview is on again Monday! Why do I care????? Someone, please...help me..
Excerpts of it have been on all the entertainment shows- I say boycott Barbara Walters, and her puppet Larry King- should I write a nasty letter? as if they'd care! What I'm keeping an eye out for is James Van Praagh on ET weekend- whenever it's on-
Hmm...I would assume ET weekend is going to be on, on the weekend. Can't say for sure..hehehe. I can't boycott Larry King..but Barbara Walters...who the Heck does she think she is? I was gonna say more, but I restrained myself.
P.S. I wrote a letter to Larry King once..an e-mail rather...and all I got back was an automatic response...they don't even read them.
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