Internet Woes

Well, we had two lovely days in a row!! And now today is overcast and muggy again. I'm doing my blog now before I become overcome by humidity.
Anyone watch America's Got Talent? I wasn't going to, because I thought it would just be another version of that old 'Gong Show'. But I ended up really enjoying it. They had some really good, and entertaining acts, and I was smiling through most of it. May turn out to be an interesting show.
Also, on TV News...Star Jones is leaving The View under less than pleasant circumstances. She will be interviewed on Larry King tonight. I don't usually watch the View, but have been since Ellen is all re-runs now. Rosie O'Donnell is joining the View to replace Meredith who is replacing Katie on the Today Show. I don't think Star wanted to work with Rosie, but also, her contract was not going to be renewed.
Now I don't just sit around and watch TV all day.....I just have it on all day, and listen to it whilst doing other things, like blogging, doing dishes, laundry, housework etc etc etc. Also reading...I read when commercials are on. I am a mulit-tasker......have to be doing two things at once. I can't even knit unless the TV is on. God forbid I should be in a quiet place where I may start thinking!!! No no no, can't have that!
Hey, the people on Coro Street are doing Sudoku eh?
Tuffy knows exactly how to wake me up at four in the morning. He just walks across my full bladder!!!!!! Then I have to pee, so I have to get up and let him out. Sheesh. How does he know where my bladder is?? But, fortunately, I was able to get back to sleep.
The keys on my keyboard are reacting slowly, so it's hard to type...they're all moist and sticky.
So, now I will go catch up on yesterday's blogs....have a good one all.
Love the picture- been there- Everything here is so sticky, the printer is jammed and the envelopes are sticking to themselves!!! Watched a bit of that talent show- was amazed by that 11 year old girl's singing!!Will definately be watching Larry King tonight, Is CorSt. back on weeknights? I'm not a multi-tasker so gotta go and watch a soap.
Yup..Coro is on weeknights at 7...
There was also a 14 year old girl singer on the show who would knock your socks off - if you wear socks, which I don't!
Was that the one last night- the English guy told her to change her hair, her dress, and her shoes- I'm not a multi-tasker- I'm an avoid a tasker-
On Jimmy's blog, do you see a big empty space where a picture should be- he doesn't seem to know what I'm talking about-
That big empty space doesn't appear on my computer. It must show up on other computers. Strange.
No, that wasn't the one who was told to change her outfit..and, yes there is a blank spot on Jimmy's Blog where a picture should be. Just not coming through one our computers I guess.
Sometimes I watch "Starting Over"- the one where a group of women try to "know themselves" with life coaches- Darn- wish I could have a life coach-
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