'Leaving on a Jet Plane....."
Don't know when I'll b
e back again....That's all the words I know to the song! Hehehehe. I'm getting nervous as I always do, when I have to travel. Will I get up in time, will I leave on time, will I arrive on time, will the car break down, will the plane be on time, will the plane crash on takeoff, will the plane crash on landing, will the plane just fall out of the sky from 38,000 ft. etc etc etc. Besides that, today I have to pack, shave my legs (again), go to bed early, try to get to sleep early....Yikes!
I'm worried about all the nicotine fits I may take....I absolutely will not smoke around the baby. So, I hope it's warm outside...hehehehehe.
Yesterday I did nothing....absolutely nothing. Didn't even blog. Slept in the afternoon. (BTW, I don't muti-task when I'm sleeping, unless you count having weird dreams). The weather has been dry, and cool...so that's nice...we had a thunderstorm for a short while, must have cleared the air.
Well, it appears my tea is ready, and I am parched. My medication makes my mouth very dry in the morning. Won't be blogging tomorrow, of course, but I will try to keep in touch from the Rock providing I can get the computer for a moment or two. Talk to you all later.

I'm worried about all the nicotine fits I may take....I absolutely will not smoke around the baby. So, I hope it's warm outside...hehehehehe.
Yesterday I did nothing....absolutely nothing. Didn't even blog. Slept in the afternoon. (BTW, I don't muti-task when I'm sleeping, unless you count having weird dreams). The weather has been dry, and cool...so that's nice...we had a thunderstorm for a short while, must have cleared the air.
Well, it appears my tea is ready, and I am parched. My medication makes my mouth very dry in the morning. Won't be blogging tomorrow, of course, but I will try to keep in touch from the Rock providing I can get the computer for a moment or two. Talk to you all later.
You had to mention nicotine!!!! And what do you mean of course you won't be blogging tomorrow--- how will we know if any of your worst fears came true!! Maybe we'll excuse you for one day- but don't make it two- we want to see more pics of baby -baby with grandma, baby with mother, baby with father, baby with brothers, dog, etc. Will be thinking of you tomorrow- enjoy that baby--
Thanks Nannan and by the way, you are making me feel very guilty about smoking. I wonder if guilt is enough to make me quit. Cancer wasn't, so I don't know what will!!!!! I'm doomed doomed doomed.
P.S. As I used to tell Mom, who hated flying and worried herself half to death when I was, you'll hear about it on the news!!! Hehehehe! Boy, that made her mad! I used to call her and say to her "I wonder how long it takes to plunge to the earth from 38,000 ft?" And that would really give her a fit!
Spreading guilt is my purpose in life, something like Johny Appleseed- I have such a great supply, I need to share it----guilt, guilt, guilt, :)
Oh my God, Teahound, you're right! Well, folks, be prepared for two weeks of rain, cause I have to shave my legs!!!!! Just in case there's any sun in Nfld.
And Nannan, I have my own share of guilt...don't need any more!!!!
I'm almost all packed!
Have a great trip, and say hi to everyone for me.
Love ya - Fireguy
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