Some thoughts on Men

Why can't men:
Change the toilet paper roll?
Close a cupboard door?
Wipe their feet?
Wipe off the counter after making a sandwich?
Put stuff in the garbage instead of leaving in on the counter?
Put their dirty clothes In the hamper instead of On Top of the hamper?
Pick a TV show to watch instead of flicking through all the channels?
Shove a chair under the table after leaving the table?
Put their shoes on the rack, so you don't trip over them?
Turn off a light after leaving a room?
Clean up Cat Poop? After gutting a bear for God's Sake!
I know I have a lot more, just can't think of them now. But I'm sure the rest of you guys can come up with some things...hehehe.
I know...'Don't sweat the small stuff'! But..Gads...if you open a cupboard least you could close it again.
And, there isn't even a lid on our clothes hamper..he puts his clothes beside it.
And..if the toilet paper is getting low...he opens a new one and leaves it on the counter...for a long time I didn't think Men knew how to use those things!!! Hehehehehe.
And he never, ever, ever wipes up after making a sandwich....and I can't even complain because he's made me one too! Catch 22.
And let's not even get into the TV Clickie. If I wasn't medicated..I would probably have killed him by, click, click..lots of commercials..then he settles on a program about King Tut or whatever!!! Gads...I can't believe he is interested in that...I believe it is a ploy to get me to get off of the computer and go to he can have the computer....and then....put on a movie he wants to watch!!!!!!
Then..he will have the nerve to ask me if I saw the freaking movie?
Phew..okay...good rant..I like it..I like it a lot.
Feel much better now..,.Thanks all.
Lots of love...Marsh
Loved your rant!!! haha, good thing Jim doesn't read these blogs, but you have to understand, Frank does, and so does his sister!!!!! But you have certainly given me food for thought, and I am having to restrain myself and contain certain thoughts-- why cant they be perfect, like us????
The funniest thing about your rant?? "Lots of love" at the end-- wasn't feeling the love coming through------- ;) keep on ranting!!
But I still think he's handsome!!!and looking more like Kenny Rogers than Kenny does these days!
GREAT RANT!!! I have a friend up north here who said she wants to start a blog just to write about her husband... I know her husband (my VP) and am afraid to help her create one because maybe I'll get into trouble if she posts their arguments and he checks them?! Oops!!
But awesome post- I love the sense of relief at the end!
I read another blog yesterday that had a list of reasons why it's better to be single and one of the points reminds me of your rant. It said that men clean more when they are single than married, but women clean less when they are single than when they are married... I wonder why that is? LOL!!
That's funny g- I suspect we clean more when we're married because men make such a mess!!! or because we like to be martyrs and all the while we're cleaning, we can bask in selfpity and marytr points, then we can complain about all the work we have to do, and how tired we are at night@@@ oh, there's just so much mileage we can get out of it--- about the vp thing, tread very carefully- BUT DO IT!!!!! hope the rain has stopped-
True! Maybe men just expect us to clean up after them? They clean more when they are single just in order to bag a woman who will take over the majority of cleaning duties... We're deceived in other words, so we are fully justified in complaining!
As per the VP's wife... I should get her online. She would benefit having more people to communicate with... She's a wonderful friend of mine and it would be fun to have her on! She sometimes gets so taken for granted by the rest of her family (ie. brothers, aunts, cousins, etc.) at times and bears a lot of stress on her shoulders... I'll try to get her going and will put a link on my page when she's up...
I was just having a bit of was the King Tut show on TV that broke me!! The final straw, so to say! Hahahaha. He's a good guy, really..
Marsh-that was absolutely priceless...I loved it and it's sooooo true.
Nannan-mom might read these blogs but she will most likely agree!
G-get that poor woman online so we can get her as corrupted as the rest of us.
You all Take care, much love to you all.
"He's a good guy, reallly" Now you try to squirm your way out of it, after I bow to peer pressure and get myself in trouble------;)
Good rant!!! I really got a kick out of it.
It sounds like most men are the same hehehehee.
And Nannan, don't worry about me I maybe his sister,but he's still a man hehehehe....
So rant, I do.
Your friend Cheryl
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