Horrific Rant

Everything was going fine on the freakin' bleep-bleep-bleeping ferry until five o'clock. I had been sitting outside reading and doing Sudoku puzzles, with a break for lunch until then. But I was getting sleepy so decided to try to take a little nap.
In the bleeping seat right behind me were four French people from Quebec! Now, don't get me wrong..I have nothing against French people, the French language or Quebec. I just have something against these particular freaking, bleeping, ding-dang, heckish French people. They freaking talked for 7 freaking hours straight as freaking loud as they could!!!!!!! Freak!!!!!! Freak is a euphimism for another 'F' word, by the way.
Then, three seats down was a darling little freaking bad six year old girl who freaking screamed for 7 freaking hours straight. Everything was 'NO NO NO NO NO' with the occasional 'I HATE YOU' thrown in between. Her father was saying 'Now Sweetie, (shudder) I love you!'. And she would scream 'NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO'- well you get that picture! Then Little Freaking Sweetie's Mother said 'You can sit there and cry all day, I don't care.' BUT I FREAKING DID! God almighty, I thought my head was going to explode!
Then, mercifully, right on time, the Ding Dong goes meaning we're getting a message..and the message was..we will be docking in one hour! Woohoo I thought...one hour..woohoo! Two freaking hours we were still sitting in the Freaking Harbor waiting for another Freaking boat to leave the Freaking Harbor. And as we are sitting there, just idling, the Freaking Fumes are making everybody Sick!!!!! By this time, we had been standing at the entrance to the Elevator for an hour and a half..and my Freaking legs were breaking! And then, Woohoo, the bells went Ding-Dong...and I thought - finally. The message came 'A pink blanket has been found in the dining room and can be picked up at the Purser's office'. Freaking, bleeping freak freak freak bleep bleep s--t! Now my problem is, that Ferry arrives at the same time every single Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and if the Freaking Harbormaster doesn't know that by now he should be Freaking Fired. Keep the Freaking Harbor traffic moving Dingbat!
FINALLY we get in our car, and get out of the Ferry into a stream of Freaking Stupid Idiot Bleeping Drivers who kept trying to kill us! Once, we were in a 'keep right except to pass' lane, and we were in the passing lane....when a freaking van PASSED us on the wrong side of the road!!!!!!! Going so fast that something blew off his Freaking roof rack and hit our car! If Jim wasn't such a good driver we would be dead now!!!!! My stomach was in knots, and I was in such pain I thought I just would not make it home at all. Several more times, and I am not kidding, Freaking cars passed us on a solid line going up a hill with nowhere to pull in if anything was approaching them! Freak! It was freaking horrible!!!!!!! We finally arrived home at three freaking thirty in the morning, only to find that our front freaking tire was not only flat, but totally ruined. Now we have to buy a new freaking tire.
Oh God, now I'm in a sweat just thinking about it again. Good news is, we are still alive. We are home, we are safe.
I have made the trip back and forth to Nfld several thousand times, even before Mikki was born and never have I gone through such Hell.
Also, on the good news side, Tuffy is back from Kitty prison and still loves me.
Well, that was my rant...sorry for all the 'F' words! Well, not really!!!!
Now, I have to keep trying to catch up on previous blogs. Have a good one all.
That was freaking worth waiting for--- ignorant freaking people-- I like the French language- can sound so romantic---but-- why do they have to be so freaking loud-- your freaking rant made me so mad at ignoramuses --geesh--- hope the car wasn't too badly damaged--- think I'll go read that rant again-- but I bet you're feeling much better---- oh,oh, how does Jim vent??
I love the toilet picture---
Thank you Teahound for the reminder to Mikki!!! I was on the verge of going to the table of the 'loud French talkers'..asking them if they spoke English..and then saying..Comprends SHUT UP!
But, I restrained myself..which is why I now have ulcers......probably.
All I can say is..."wow"...
Mère douce d'un dieu!Incroyable! C'est si terrible! I better stop - that probably only brings back bad memories :o) I am sorry your trip home was so horrible. Maybe you should have stayed longer, to avoid those hazardous drivers... Still, I am glad you made it home safely. We miss you already!
And, what the heck was the black chair doing in the front porch?! hehehehehehehe
We just wanted to see how long it would take you to miss it - the chair that is! Hehehehe..it was my idea...So, does Caitlyn miss me too??????? Yes, of course she does...hehehe. I sure miss her, and all of you of course. Was Jamie mad that we didn't wake him up?
Sure hope to see you guys soon.
Love you Mikki...and all reading!
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