Will & Mike

These two guys are wreaking havoc in the Big Brother house. I am really enjoying it this year. At first I didn't like them very much, but I must admit they are growing one me. The Chill Team! They are just using everyone in the house for their own pleasure. Will doesn't really care if he wins or not, because he already one once before. Even if he makes it to the final two, I doubt if anyone would vote for him. Poor Janelle, when she finally gets evicted and watches the back episodes and sees how they were laughing at her, she will be so mad!!!!! Hehehehehehehehehe. I don't like Janelle! Well, I don't really know her, I just don't like her on the show.Nothing, absolutely nothing is happening here. Nothing to talk about, nothing to say! I'm still hoping Mikki will drop in here on her way to Cape Breton, but I have not heard from her at all, and I have no idea when the reception is. Sigh! Tuffy stuck his foot in my glass of pop today....sheesh...don't ask me how he did it! I had to throw the whole glass out...I don't appreciate kitty-litter laden feet in my pop!Well, adieu once again...later guys.
I missed it last night and OOPS! It's starting now... better leave work and go home to catch it!!!
See you!!!
Do you think it'll still be nice enough to bring my tent on CCR weekend?
Tuffy needs his own pop! What a brat!
You'd think they'd have realized that Will is such a player and a LIAR-- if he ends up in the final two, I say he deserves to win again, due to their gullibility!! I'm just starting to get into the show, since camping- I like Janelle because she looks the dumb blonde type, but isn't!!
You know what Nan- I think I agree with you about Janelle... she is pretty smart, except she is too trusting and is getting burned a bit!
I agree that Janelle is too trusting..and she made some bad decisions as HOH which she got many times and never put Will and Boogie (Mike) up. Now she's lost all her buddies. But she is a good players..she wins a lot of the competitions.
And yes Fireguy, it will probably be nice enough for tenting...unless it rains. Shouldn't be too cold though.
i've never watched,but maybe next time I'll give it a try.
Poor old Tuff, he just keeps sticking his feet in it doesn't he.
I sure hope they stop to visit.Just think some more snuggles......
Your friend Cheryl
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