Trying Again -Arghhhh! pictures uploaded. Now the oil stove in the kitchen is real...It's the only stove Connie ever used....ooops..I gave away the secret!! The house is Jim's Mother's house.....the house in which he grew up. He built all the cupboards in it. We will probably just use the oil stove as decoration..I think it lends a nice touch. Please, if anyone here knows anyone in Stellarton...please do NOT tell them we are moving there until Oct 2nd. Nannan knows why, and you can ask her. Thanks! And Now a Question for Travelling Man! Do you think it would be cheaper to heat the downstairs with the Oil Stove or the Oil Furnace? Which runs more efficiently, if you know. I know that when we used to visit Connie the house was so freaking hot you could hardly stand it! And she always had a pot of tea on that stove. I sure hope Jim is going to be alright living there. BTW..this is my second blog...please scroll down to read my first.....hehehehe. Two in one day to make up for my delinquency. Adios amigos...Sayonara. |
Thanks LJLC...we live in a Seniors Complex now...very crowded. This is going to be good. Plus, it's Jim's homestead. The house is back in the family again!
Nice... Especially with the sense of nostalgia! Surely you are counting down the time until Oct. 2nd!
Thanks for sharing the pics!
It looks so homey and cozy--and clean!! Extra special that Jim built the cupboards--- and will be back home again--- won't be long now---- already read your former post, but thinking about all that work you were doing has tired me out----- love
I'm still working...and cleaning. Using vinegar to clean the glass on the great.
But, you know it's true..When you work your fingers to the bone...wadda ya get? Boney fingers! Plus...I broke a fingernail!!!!!!
I just love your kitchen!!! Don't over do it, you don't want to hurt yourself.Your packing tips are great. I would never have thought of packing stuff in plastic containers.Hopefully K&S will see that.You know what its like in the forces. Always moving somewhere.
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