Tv News and Stuff
This is just about th
e saddest story I've heard in a long time. Just three days after giving birth to a girl, Anna Nicole loses her beloved 20 year old son Daniel. How could a person possibly bear this? Imagine the combination of joy and anguish. I cannot even conceive what she must be going through. My heart goes out to her. The death of her son, right there in her hospital room has to have diminished the joy she should be feeling now for her little girl. I don't know how I would cope.
In other news...Boogie won Big Brother..Good for him! But I'm disappointed that the American people didn't vote to give the $25,000 jury prize to Chicken George. What is wrong with those people? Obviously, they don't know what voting means or how it works (e.g. their President!!!!!).
Update on itchy bite. First of all, I was not, to my knowledge, bathing with a spider!!!!! I'm just not that type of person. unguent is a healing salve! Well, interestingly enough (to me) a little white thingie has appeared dead centre of the bite. The itch didn't bother me much all day, but when I went to bed, I thought I would go crazy. I've discovered an interesting thing through this experiment. If you're itchy helps a little bit to scratch somewhere your head or something! If you scratch your head till it bleeds and sort of forget the itch...hehehehehehehe. It is itching now, tempting me, but I will not succumb.
Now...I have a secret. I would tell you what it is, but I can't, cause it's a secret, for now! I will slowly reveal bits and pieces of it over the next few days....but I can't tell the whole thing until Oct 2. And no, I'm not pregnant!!!!!! Hehehehe. It's a good secret. Okay...I've said enough for now. No guessing please....I have a reason for being secretive. More tomorrow.....tata guys.

In other news...Boogie won Big Brother..Good for him! But I'm disappointed that the American people didn't vote to give the $25,000 jury prize to Chicken George. What is wrong with those people? Obviously, they don't know what voting means or how it works (e.g. their President!!!!!).
Update on itchy bite. First of all, I was not, to my knowledge, bathing with a spider!!!!! I'm just not that type of person. unguent is a healing salve! Well, interestingly enough (to me) a little white thingie has appeared dead centre of the bite. The itch didn't bother me much all day, but when I went to bed, I thought I would go crazy. I've discovered an interesting thing through this experiment. If you're itchy helps a little bit to scratch somewhere your head or something! If you scratch your head till it bleeds and sort of forget the itch...hehehehehehehe. It is itching now, tempting me, but I will not succumb.
Now...I have a secret. I would tell you what it is, but I can't, cause it's a secret, for now! I will slowly reveal bits and pieces of it over the next few days....but I can't tell the whole thing until Oct 2. And no, I'm not pregnant!!!!!! Hehehehe. It's a good secret. Okay...I've said enough for now. No guessing please....I have a reason for being secretive. More tomorrow.....tata guys.
I'm no fan of Anna Nicole, but wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy-- and that poor baby-- the celebration of her birthe will be forever intertwined with the death of her brother---- and what happened-- still haven't heard.
I'm glad Boogie won instead of Erica--- he and Will really controlled that game-- I have more respect for Janelle than Chicken George--- so I would have voted for her too-- She's not the sharpest tack, but George ????
Nah, I'm not gonna bite on that secret deal---nope, not the least bit curious, no, not gonna ask, no way do I care, uh uh, not gonna go there, but how about just a little itsy bitsy clue--- Does it involve a trip for somebody???
I guesses please..but, no it does not involve a trip! Here's a involves boxes!
I'm glad Boogie won too..but gee, Chicken George needed the money..he has a family!
Fireguy and traveling Man came by, and we guessed your secret, so it's not a secret anymore, but we're not going to tell you that we figured out your secret so it will be our secret-- but we know!!!!
Did I not say..'no guessing'? And Mikki is not pregnant as far as I know. My cat is a neutered male. By the way LJLC, what is fav soap..maybe I am!!!!
Now, in response to Nannan...You have not figured out my secret at all. Or if you have figured out a little bit of haven't figured out all of it. Don't try to trick me! So, what did you guys figure out?
Hint: Allied
Absolutely not! You are so wrong!
Somebody did something nice for us!
That's all I'm gonna say for now.
And the reason it has to be a secret, is because of YOU! So there.
By the way, that's not a bad's so complicated!
Let's just say, that if all goes well...people who come to visit us won't have to sleep on the couch.
Let's just say..that if all goes well...our rent will drastically reduce.
Okay..let's just say that!
Okay, I like the way you say no guessing and then you give more details... hahaha...
So the clues include:
-it involves boxes
-no one is pregnant
-Somebody did something nice for us
-it's not a bad thing
-it's complicated
-people who come to visit us won't have to sleep on the couch
-our rent will drastically reduce
Soooo.... My guess would be that someone made a set of bunk beds made from cardboard, or wait, maybe that you will be moving into a box... Okay, I am stumped?! LOL...
I HATE surprises, please please tell... I can't wait that long!!!
I can't tell until Oct 2nd.
But I am dying to tell, and yet at the same time, afraid that it will not work out...
YES-- I knew we were right, but why am I the reason it has to be kept a secret!!!!!!! which by the way, its really not a secret--- so you don't need allied, but you will need some shakers and MOVERS !!!!!!!
It's complicated. I will send you a copy of an e-mail I sent to Mikki.
You very much have to not tell anybody but your beloved husband...Promise!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG Mom! You so suck at keeping your own secrets! hehehehe I like NorthernLight's guess - it seems you and Jim will be living out of a cardboard box in downtown Stellarton... Is that correct? hehehehe
oh, and if I were pregnant again, you'd hear about it immediately, 'cause I would go stark raving bonkers, and be on all the national news shows!
Let me assure you, that, yes..I do suck at keeping my own secrets! Sob sob sob.
If this news gets out in the town of Stellarton...things could fall through.
So, everybody...ssshhhhhhh!
Sorry, but I'm just a pessimist... experiment is going very well..although I almost cut my arm off today to stop the itching.
If you ignore it long enough it goes away....for a while!!!
Itching arm... you are TOTALLY trying to change the subject, but we're not gonna take it anymore!! (good song!)
So, PLEASE tell us. I can guarantee that we won't tell anyone!!! I might have a cousin but I PROMISE I won't tell him... since he never emails me anyway!!!
PLEASE I am sure it won't fall through if you only let it slip here!!! PLEase pretty please!!!
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