Big Brother
Well....let's see if
I can remember. Will and Boogie (Mike) are still working their evil magic. So, you remember that Janelle and Chicken George were on the block. Well, big buxom blonde Janelle won the freaking Power of Veto....AGAIN! Everytime she gets nominated she wins the freaking PoV. #$%$^&%$#. you know Erica is HOH...and she had to pick someone else. Now she wanted to pick Will, but Boogie got in her bed for a few nights in a row, and freaking talked her into putting up her very best friend Danielle! Then Will and Boogie did their mock phone call to each other, and killed themselves laughing!!!!! So tonight...who will go? Will it be Chicken George or Danielle! I'm telling you, it is getting vicious in there. I just don't know why everybody trusts Will and Boogie. Didn't they watch the season that Will was in it? Don't they know he's a liar!!!!!! He even says he is a liar!! Man....why can't they put some women in that house that can think for themselves. I just don't get it.
Well, I hope you read this before the show comes on tonight. Sorry I didn't get to the computer yesterday. I was really tired yesterday for some reason. Oh well. All's fine now.
Now here's a little song for you guys!
I got my bed all made
I got the laundry done
And when I have my bath
Gonna have some fun!
Some fun! Some fun!
When my bath's all done
Gonna have some fun!
And not 'that' kind of fun either...I mean I'm gonna have some fun computer time.
I wrote that song all by myself - it's sung to the tune of 'I've got the horse right here' from that old Musical Guys and Dolls with Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatra.
Now, if any of you out there haven't watched old musicals...then shame, shame, shame. And you won't know the tune of the song! I used to watch them all.
Oklahoma, Guys and Dolls, The Music Man, Gigi, Carousel and so on and so on.
Okay to y'all later. you know Erica is HOH...and she had to pick someone else. Now she wanted to pick Will, but Boogie got in her bed for a few nights in a row, and freaking talked her into putting up her very best friend Danielle! Then Will and Boogie did their mock phone call to each other, and killed themselves laughing!!!!! So tonight...who will go? Will it be Chicken George or Danielle! I'm telling you, it is getting vicious in there. I just don't know why everybody trusts Will and Boogie. Didn't they watch the season that Will was in it? Don't they know he's a liar!!!!!! He even says he is a liar!! Man....why can't they put some women in that house that can think for themselves. I just don't get it.
Well, I hope you read this before the show comes on tonight. Sorry I didn't get to the computer yesterday. I was really tired yesterday for some reason. Oh well. All's fine now.
Now here's a little song for you guys!
I got my bed all made
I got the laundry done
And when I have my bath
Gonna have some fun!
Some fun! Some fun!
When my bath's all done
Gonna have some fun!
And not 'that' kind of fun either...I mean I'm gonna have some fun computer time.
I wrote that song all by myself - it's sung to the tune of 'I've got the horse right here' from that old Musical Guys and Dolls with Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatra.
Now, if any of you out there haven't watched old musicals...then shame, shame, shame. And you won't know the tune of the song! I used to watch them all.
Oklahoma, Guys and Dolls, The Music Man, Gigi, Carousel and so on and so on.
Okay to y'all later.
I think Erica deserves to get the boot for being so stupid and giving our gender a bad name!! At this rate, will will win again!!! Like the song, made much more sense when I could sing it in my head with music, which of course I know, because you used to play those recorda all the time--------
Yes..not only did I go see all the movies, but I also bought the I could play them over and over and learn every word of every song by heart!
You didn't have a problem, with that..did you? Hahahahhahahhaa.
Okay, I am watching it now, and i am SOOOO tired of those two guys! I hope that Janelle will see through their manipulation and put both of the "chill towners" up on the chpoping block... taking George and Erica at the final three... Would be more interesting than those smug dudes...
i think janelle is smarter than erica and hpoefully sees through Mike!
ARGH!!! She's been manipulated too!!! ARGH!!! I am blogging while watching so hopefully this play by play isn't too annoying!!! This show is starting to drive me NUTS!!!!
I'm watching it now too...and I fear Erica is gone! God....I hope they never do an allstars again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was never into musicals - or Big Brother...
See you tomorrow (Friday)
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