Who is that Hooded Guy?
Who is this hooded
person? Who can it be? Who would be so rude as to pull a hood over their head just as a picture is being snapped?

I think he's cute, but it's hard to tell. Here's a hint..he lives in Nfld, and apparently he smiles a lot from what I can see.
Trying to get a picture of this person is like trying to get a piece of popcorn out of your teeth..hehehehe. That's the best analogy I could come up with, sorry.
Anyhoo...I think I can find an actual picture of this person if I search my computer.

Ah ha.....I do believe that is him.
At the computer as usual. His name is Jamie, although when he first started school, they called him James. Now they call him Jimmy. He has many aliases (or is it aliai...hehehe). However, he is cute after all. Not smiling though cause I begged and pleaded for a serious picture. I didn't mean for him to actually BE serious. I meant for him to not fool around and make faces.
Oh well..there he is my baby boy.
The weather here has been yucky...no sun. I'm sure Mikki will appreciate that. They are probably having a heat wave in Nfld now that I am home.
I've been keeping my legs shaved just in case a sunny day comes along..but no luck yet.
Other than that....there is nothing new here.
Will post more pics of Nfld at a later blog.
Love to you all...if you are still out there!!!!!!
Aloha, Marsh
Nice pics of a difficult subject.
I'll copy the nice one for my collection of great grandkids
Thanks for the pictures...I will post one of geocache #50!
Go Sens Go!
At least Jamie will sit still and face the camera... Try to get a picture of Eric, and all you get is a great big blurry blob of hair! Nobody knows how cute he really is (says his Mom *grin*). Maybe you should come back and try to get more photos :o)
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