Second week into My Cold

I am now entering the second week of My Cold. I capitilize it, because it is a very, very impressive cold. I advise everybody to invest in Kleenex stocks as I'm sure sales are really up by now.
The kleenex sticking out of my nose was not originally my idea. The credit for this ingenious solution was Mikki's and I must give credit where credit is due. My keyboard was getting sticky from my drippy nose. Was that too much information? Hehehehe
If I do not recover from this cold, I hope they can use enough makeup to get the redness off of my nose...I'd like to look at least half decent for my viewing.
I caught this cold in Yarmouth!!!!! Or maybe in the Hospital....either way I curse the person who gave it to me. May your nose drip forever, and your eyes water forever, and your ears be blocked forever, and you have an eternal sinus headache forever (is that redundant - who cares?).
There, that's my feeble cold rant...too weak to do a full rant.
Other than that, and the fact that Jim's sugar is all over the place, everything else is fine. The weather has been extremely warm and I am covered in sweat all the time - gross eh? Take a shower....can't get dry!
Anyhoo, must go check the other blogs...I just wanted to get this charming picture posted for all to see.
Lots of love
Yewwww - I am at a loss for words on this!
OMG, lol, I've seen my brother in law do the samething..
Sorry your not feeling well, and sure do hope your feeling better soon.. Cheryl
Where's the pity from Fireguy and TMan? Where's the love?
Thanks funnyface..for your kind thoughts
I know how miserable a cold can be. Hope you are better soon
Eeeeek - is that what it looks like when I do that? Why didn't anyone tell me?! So attractive... NOT! Luckily, I love you for more than your looks :)
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