Something is wrong!

Something is terribly wrong! I don't have a headache, I don't have a backache, my stomach is not butterfly-y, I am not grumpy, I am not irritated, I am not irritable, I'm not even tired! My cold is completely gone, my legs are not aching, my eyes are not watering, I woke up feeling kind of happy to wake up, my head does not seem to be encased in a wall of fog anymore...and I'm not fat anymore....okay..I lied about that last one..I'm still fat! But, I don't feel fat!
What the heck is going on? Could it be that now I'm off Paxil, I'm starting to live again? Could Cymbalta be my salvation?..I've only been on it for three days..but the last two days I haven't felt this 'normal' for about eight years.
I still have the same worries, the same problems, the same kitty litter to change.......I don't get it! All I can say is...I hope it lasts! Imagine...Me waking up in a Good Mood!!!!!!!
Okay..on another note. Is anyone here watching Dancing With the Stars? If so, is it my imagination (or my age), but are the costumes getting tinier? The Women's costumes I mean! Hehehehehe. And are the Men's pants getting tighter? Just want to know. Could be I need a new prescription for my glasses!
Well, it's going to be an exciting winter. Monday and Tuesday is Dancing With the Stars.....Thursday is Survivor...Sunday is The Amazing Race! And I imagine American Idol will be starting soon. Exellent! (When you don't have the energy to go out and have your own need these 'reality' shows).
Well, anyhoo..I think I will go now and play a computer game...I have clothes in the dryer and I have to stay up to fold them.....
Love to you all
Three cheers to cymbalta!!
Savour the feeling until it hopefully turns into the new normal--- Looking forward to the "new" reality shows--sick of CNN -- nothing but politics for two years! Cloris Leachman kind of repulsed me though--- too vulgar--some things we just don't need to see,, or be reminded of the assaults of age!! Who got voted off last night,, I fell asleep-- glad your feeling better-- love--
I'm glad youre feeling good. sorry, I don't watch any of those shows. Maybe I'll take a peek at the dancing one, if the costumes get small enough He He.
Glad to hear your doing so much better. Sure hope the cymbalta,contiues to do the job!!!
Great! I too do not watch reality shows, except "The Young & the Restless"...harharhahaha
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