Tuesday, June 06, 2006


If anybody is in a good mood please read no further. Depresssion is a depressing topic, and being anywhere near a depressed person will bring you down.
Right now I am going through a depressed period. It will pass. I'm not trying to depress anybody, but I just wish that more people understood Depression. You can't just 'snap out of it'. You can only muddle your way through as best you can.
I have been diagnosed with Major Depression, Dysthymic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. I am on medication, but medication alone does not always do it. Dysthymic Disorder is a condition of constant sadness. Looking back, I realize I've always had that condition. Throughout my life people have made comments about how little I smile.
The medication keeps me on a fairly even keel, but sometimes I get so down, I just hit the bed and stay there. There's a website that fully describes how I feel and if anybody is interested please check it out at www.psychologyinfo.com/depression/major . I just want people to understand!
One of the ways that my depression hits me is that I have become a compulsive spender! That is why I cannot go to the Mall! I will buy something that I cannot afford. Not just cheap things...usually expensive things...like our Surround Sound System. Or something - usually electronic - that I need, but can't afford. And I can't go to the Legion anymore, because I will gamble on the poker machines...and always lose. The safest place for me to be is in my home. I have only left the house once since we got back from Yarmouth...and that was to go to the Doctor and I had to hurry home. Jim does the grocery shopping because I will spend way too much. If I shop for clothes, I will probably buy two of three of the same item in different colors. I have some clothes I have never even worn yet! So the only way to control these impulses to avoid the temptation.
Also, I have an addictive personality - cigarettes, cola (caffeine), chocolate, hickory sticks and alcohol. I have managed to get the alcohol under control because it makes me too sick now.
Okay, that's enough I guess...but as I said, I just wish people would understand and not think less of me because of the way I act sometimes. As in withdrawn and unsociable, and gloomy.
Love you all guys...Take care.


Blogger Tuffysmom said...

P.S. I just found out that the drug I'm taking for my ear infection (Cipro)may cause drowsiness and depression, so perhaps that accounts for my mood this week.

11:01 AM  
Blogger NanNan said...

We're all suffering from the same condition, it's called "human". Thanks for sharing, and anyone who thinks "less" of you needs to examine their own soul- we are all a work in progress and all struggle with our imperfections- all we can do is love and accept each other, and WATCH OUT FOR THOSE MEDICATIONS!!!! love you sue

12:41 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

I guess I shouldn't bug you when you don't blog, but then you wouldn't feel missed or loved!!!!

12:42 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

The link doesn't seem to be working-

2:12 PM  

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