He who speaks with forked tongue
This is a
picture of a man everybody knows, but who shall remain nameless in case the FBI is reading my blog. Suffice it to say...he is a world leader of the country directly to our South. He tried to divert attention away from all the major problems facing his country by making a big issue (pronounced "is-sue" not ishue - for mikki's benefit) over gay marriage. He wanted to amend the constitution banning the aforementioned. It failed of course, and he knew it would! The People to the South are not that stupid! But at least now he can proudly boast that he is against it, and hope that will gain him a lot more supporters since his ratings have gone downhill. Actually, this is a pretty good picture of him I think, much more handsome. He is a scary man...the insane look in his beady eyes and that little grin.....shudder! And he always looks like he's on the defensive...which of course he is.
Now, I know some people out there do not agree with me. But I have no problem with Gay Marriage. I simply cannot see how it is going to destroy the family. It has absolutely no effect on me or my marriage. And, it has been going on for years - co-habitation of gay people has not destroyed the world yet as far as I can see. "A rose by any other name, is still a rose". And I believe that a couple who have lived together and worked together to build a life deserve the same benefits as a married couple....benefits, insurance, inheritance etc etc etc.
If the world is being destroyed...it is being destroyed by the beady-eyed little snake above.
Okay, so if I get arrested, and sent to a Federal prison in the nameless country to the South, will you guys come visit me....or at least 'blog' me. I think they have computers in prison. Well maybe not, Federal prisons are tougher.
Edmonton lost drastically last night.....what is our little world coming to? It was a slaughter! I couldn't watch. So I watched Larry King interviewing prisoners from San Quentin! Did anybody see it? They picked prisoners who are the Cream of the Crop! All Born again Christians trying to make amends...pshaw! I wanted to see the real guys....like Scott Peterson and Richard Ramirez.....try interviewing them!!!!!
Well, teatime.....as you can see it is early in the morning. Can't go back to bed though...have an eye appointment at 1:15. My twice yearly visit to be tested for Glaucoma! Which means of course, I will have to leave the house...and it is pouring (guess what)? RAIN! Sheesh...I'll never get my annual sun burn. Over and out guys.

Now, I know some people out there do not agree with me. But I have no problem with Gay Marriage. I simply cannot see how it is going to destroy the family. It has absolutely no effect on me or my marriage. And, it has been going on for years - co-habitation of gay people has not destroyed the world yet as far as I can see. "A rose by any other name, is still a rose". And I believe that a couple who have lived together and worked together to build a life deserve the same benefits as a married couple....benefits, insurance, inheritance etc etc etc.
If the world is being destroyed...it is being destroyed by the beady-eyed little snake above.
Okay, so if I get arrested, and sent to a Federal prison in the nameless country to the South, will you guys come visit me....or at least 'blog' me. I think they have computers in prison. Well maybe not, Federal prisons are tougher.
Edmonton lost drastically last night.....what is our little world coming to? It was a slaughter! I couldn't watch. So I watched Larry King interviewing prisoners from San Quentin! Did anybody see it? They picked prisoners who are the Cream of the Crop! All Born again Christians trying to make amends...pshaw! I wanted to see the real guys....like Scott Peterson and Richard Ramirez.....try interviewing them!!!!!
Well, teatime.....as you can see it is early in the morning. Can't go back to bed though...have an eye appointment at 1:15. My twice yearly visit to be tested for Glaucoma! Which means of course, I will have to leave the house...and it is pouring (guess what)? RAIN! Sheesh...I'll never get my annual sun burn. Over and out guys.
I think you should be more afraid of CSIS just walking in now that you've mentioned those "tax free" cigs, in the same paragraph as your husband's name !!!! Keep that bed made- :)
Yikes...hey, I was just joking about the cigarettes. I made the bed as soon as I got out of it. I really was joking about the ciggies..really! And Jim Fitt is a pseudonym! His real name is a secret cause he's in the witness protection program...yeah..witness protection...that's the ticket!
I've been trying to post all day, but it won't publish----just like when I get interested in a tv show, they cancel it- like thirty something, soap, family plots, to name a few-
Very frustrating day!
How come I got no angry comments about the 'gay marriage' thing? What's the sense of bringing up a contraversial subject if no-one is going to contraverse? (Not sure about the spelling).
Too controversial!!!
Blogger is working fine today- where are you?
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