Gushy Mushy Blog
As promised, here is Blog O
ne..I decided to go with Gushy Mushy first, because if I rant first, then I won't be in a 'gushy mushy' mood! mentioned before, get on your computers all, and just keep sending mikki one word messages 'pictures', until we get some.
Now, I wonder how it is, that you can love a whole bunch of people so much, that your heart almost bursts at the very sight of them - and then another little person comes along and lo and behold, there's still room for more! That baby took my heart from the first moment I saw her beautiful face in person. Now I've always felt this way about all my children and grandchildren, but this just re-inforced that feeling of love that is boundless, infinite, never-ending, and unconditional. She is such a little beauty.
In the two weeks I was there I saw her changing everyday. She is very interested in looking at everything and everyone around her. When you sing or talk to her she looks at you very intently, and we managed to squeeze several real smiles out of her. So I got to see her very first smiles! She is getting stronger every day at holding her head up, and she tries to speak to us. She weighs nine pounds now. Today she is exactly three months old - she would only be about six to seven weeks old had she been born on due date. But I think she is rapidly catching up (if not already caught up). She is very, very bright and mostly content....she loves to swing in her swing and frequently drifts off to sleep. She loves to be held and danced with and walked around the house with (oh, my back!). She likes her legs and her arms tickled and her little cheeks pinched (not hard). She is nice and plump with little dimples in her elbows. Well, I could go on and on, but you guys probably know all about this feeling. I was so glad I got to see her, pictures do not do her justice.
The boys are doing well. Jamie is going to Cadet Camp on the 22nd I believe in Gagetown. He is quite excited about that. Eric got his hair trimmed and it looks a heck of a lot better. He has gorgeous hair, but he doesn't realize that with long curly hair like that, you have to look after it. Travis is a very nice boy.....he's a got a job, and with his first paycheck he bought some goodies for the other boys and a treat for Michelle and Me...of which, I might add, I did not get any!!!! They were Nanaimo Bars.
Michelle has an accepted offer on her house, pending inspection and appraisal of course, and if all goes well, it will be sold before they go on their vacation to Ontario for a wedding. I hope it does go well, so they can get that off their minds and concentrate on the new place.
Well, it was a great trip, although short. Those people are my life....along with lots of other people. Love begets love, and how can you not believe in a Higher Power when you look into the eyes of a new baby!
Okay...time to go for now...and remember these two words - Mikki and pictures.
Love all, Marsha

Now, I wonder how it is, that you can love a whole bunch of people so much, that your heart almost bursts at the very sight of them - and then another little person comes along and lo and behold, there's still room for more! That baby took my heart from the first moment I saw her beautiful face in person. Now I've always felt this way about all my children and grandchildren, but this just re-inforced that feeling of love that is boundless, infinite, never-ending, and unconditional. She is such a little beauty.
In the two weeks I was there I saw her changing everyday. She is very interested in looking at everything and everyone around her. When you sing or talk to her she looks at you very intently, and we managed to squeeze several real smiles out of her. So I got to see her very first smiles! She is getting stronger every day at holding her head up, and she tries to speak to us. She weighs nine pounds now. Today she is exactly three months old - she would only be about six to seven weeks old had she been born on due date. But I think she is rapidly catching up (if not already caught up). She is very, very bright and mostly content....she loves to swing in her swing and frequently drifts off to sleep. She loves to be held and danced with and walked around the house with (oh, my back!). She likes her legs and her arms tickled and her little cheeks pinched (not hard). She is nice and plump with little dimples in her elbows. Well, I could go on and on, but you guys probably know all about this feeling. I was so glad I got to see her, pictures do not do her justice.
The boys are doing well. Jamie is going to Cadet Camp on the 22nd I believe in Gagetown. He is quite excited about that. Eric got his hair trimmed and it looks a heck of a lot better. He has gorgeous hair, but he doesn't realize that with long curly hair like that, you have to look after it. Travis is a very nice boy.....he's a got a job, and with his first paycheck he bought some goodies for the other boys and a treat for Michelle and Me...of which, I might add, I did not get any!!!! They were Nanaimo Bars.
Michelle has an accepted offer on her house, pending inspection and appraisal of course, and if all goes well, it will be sold before they go on their vacation to Ontario for a wedding. I hope it does go well, so they can get that off their minds and concentrate on the new place.
Well, it was a great trip, although short. Those people are my life....along with lots of other people. Love begets love, and how can you not believe in a Higher Power when you look into the eyes of a new baby!
Okay...time to go for now...and remember these two words - Mikki and pictures.
Love all, Marsha
My sentiments exactly--- nothing like a baby to remind us what's it all about---Glad you could experience it-again!!!!
Forgot to mention-- how nice of Travis to think of you and Mikki-- so many changes in their lives in so short a time--- it's all good-- when I met Frank, I gained two more sons, and more bonds of love--- they never think of themselves as anything less than brothers--- so Caitlyn-- the glue that bonds them all together-----
Welcome back!
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