A totally non-informative blog!

Hmm..just started this blog when Coro St came on...so I will type in the Commercials. The picture on the left is one that was drawn by my daughter many years ago..on a very old computer. But I keep it, because I love it. (Does not mean that I am dancing.)
My commentary on summer has apparently gotten it's revenge on me. It is very hot and muggy here. Very. Hot. Humid.
We had a real live horror show here yesterday. Hard to convey the horror unless you were here. Suffice it to say....that a swarm of wasps started coming out of an outlet in our kitchen wall. Tons of wasps....angry wasps. We had nothing to spray them with, so Jim used Tire Cleaner...you know, the stuff that shines the tires on your car. Well apparently it kills wasps. But..only the first swarm...just when we thought we were safe....another swarm appeared. I would have taken a picture of them coming out of the wall outlet...but I was running away screaming. I got stung once..and it still hurts. Jim got stung three times! They wouldn't stop coming. Finally, Jim donned his jacket and got his glue gun..and glued the wall outlet to the wall. And I continued swatting and screaming. Finally it ended. I have a picture of the swept up carcasses. Now, everytime I go into the kitchen, I see those wasps crawling out from behind that wall outlet. The worst of it was...then I had to wash the whole kitchen down..to get the Tire Shiner/Cleaner off the walls, floor, table, chairs, counter...etc etc etc.
On another note.....I am in week three of my slow withdrawal from anti-depressants....in another week and a half I will be drug free! So far...I haven't killed anybody, so I figure..hey...that's good.
Well, not totally drug free... I still sleeping pills. And anti-anxiety drugs...and blood pressure drugs.....and osteoporosis drugs...but that's neither here nor there.
I want off the Anti-Depressants...and actually I feel pretty good.
No more Cymbalta, no more Paxil. If I am depressed..I will just go to bed. Best cure ever..hehehehehehehe.
Now, I am rambling...but these are the things that are going on in my life right now.
Just in case anybody is out there.
Well, Ciao for now mes amigos...
Talk later
I don't get Coro here ... boo hoo. I miss it. But I have taken to watching Corner Gas on you tube. It is pretty funny.
Glad the slow withdrawal from the anti-deps is going well.
Wasps! ACK! I can't imagine tire cleaner is easy to wipe up. It is kind of oily ... no?
The dead wasps must be clean and very shiny
OMG! Now I'll have nightmares about wasps coming out of the walls... So, if they were coming out from around the outlet, doesn't that mean that they are inside the walls of the house? They'll be looking for another way out now.... *cue scary music*
Don't worry Mikki..I think they are now all glued together.
To Jenn...I love Corner Gas..it's funny.
To Traveling Man..they are very shiny.
To Mikki..I have daylight nightmares everytime I go into the kitchen. I'm afraid....very afraid.
I have pics of the dead wasps...after we swept them up. I'm still afraid of the kitchen.
I would of moved out.. If they want my house, they can have it.. YUCK!!!!
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