A Rant

Now...everybody (or at least, women) knows that if you get a new 'do' and someone does not like it..they don't say anything. They just pretend it does not exist. Some people who don't like it..look away quickly or try to gag silently.

But..my rambling point is this..I like my new hair do. Shown here in a not very good picture with my brother in it. Anyhoo...to get back to the rant.
My hair had gone a tad longer than it was supposed to be..and someone who has a very, very, very, very short haircut came in to visit and I mentioned I was getting my hair cut.
Wellllllllll..today..she came in and said "I thought you were going to get your hair cut". And I said, between gritted teeth "I did".
Man, this rant is not working out well..I guess you had to be here. Now, I would love to post a pic of this person, who is the same age as me..but I do not dare.
Suffice it to say...well...just suffice it.
Man.....I like my hair..so to all those out there who do not like it.....don't look!
Man...if this wasn't a public forum...oooooohhhhhhhhhhh.
I hate sarcasm..unless it's funny.
Well, that's my rant.....not very coherent, but that's it.
Moral of the story is..if you do not like my hair tough! Jim and I love it!
Ciao mes amigos....
Marsh with the Auburn Shiny Hair.
You sound like you have a friend like mine. I too have had my hair done,by a very good stylest, I had it colored, and even foils put in!! I have never spent that much money on a do before.
And she never said a word... yup it pissed me off.. Dan, the kids, and I all love it...
So my friend, to put it plain and simple @#*@* them... as long as we like it, thats all that matters!!!
And by the way I love your hair!!!
Thank you Funnyface...please read my new blog..I got brave and posted the pic of the person with the short haircut....
I would love your imput on whether I should cut my hair or not.
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