Jim wrecking my house
Here is a blurry picture of Jim wrecking my house!! Hehehehe. Actually is putting a TV in the Dining Room.
Somehow he has a very old TV hooked up to our Digital Thingie...and we can both watch the same channel at the same time in different rooms?????? Don't ask me how??? Only problem is, if I'm on the computer he has control of the Clickie!!!!!! So I could be watching something and suddenly it will change to a Documentary about Dead Egypitions or Adolf Hitler, or something equally as boring!
Well, we are getting a little settled in...got a whole lot done today. The porch is cleaned out, all the boxes and garbage is gone, some pictures are up...the TV is hooked up in this room..and after four days of working on and off on the downstairs bathroom..it looks like it might come clean. Still a lot of work to do.
Now, on that subject...I can't believe the wonder of Magic Eraser!!!!! It keeps on cleaning right up until the point it actually disintegrates! I have scrubbed down the whole shower stall...and it was quite easy. It's the ding dang toilet that is driving me crazy..I have used Spry-On CLR....then the real CLR in the grey bottle, brushes, cloths and even my own fingernails....and it's still not perfect!!!!
But, I will persevere....I will get it white. Today my hands were all wrinkled, and most of my fingernails are broken. How anybody could get a toilet that bad is way beyond me. They let it run...it only cost $5.00 to replace the rubber thingie???????
And the Shower Stall.....yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, so far the upstairs bathroom is to my satisfaction...the kitchen is to my satisfaction.....the living room is almost to my satisfaction. Got a long ways to go!
Gotta get a bedroom ready upstairs for any guests that may suddenly appear.
And, I finally figured out how to program the digital thermostat! Sheesh!!!
Now, let's see what I need!
A bed
Four Dining Room Chairs
A night table for the bed.
Lamp shades.
A shower curtain.
Some decorations for the bathroom.
The list goes on and on....too bad I don't have any money! hehehehehe.
The outside of the house looks pretty shitty, but inside it's nice....I like it...I like it a lot!
Well, that's my news for now...my tired and cracked and dry fingers are having a hard time typing.
Mikki....my hands are dry....I know how much you hate that! Well, not my hands being dry....yours!
Talk to you all later...ciao.

Well, we are getting a little settled in...got a whole lot done today. The porch is cleaned out, all the boxes and garbage is gone, some pictures are up...the TV is hooked up in this room..and after four days of working on and off on the downstairs bathroom..it looks like it might come clean. Still a lot of work to do.
Now, on that subject...I can't believe the wonder of Magic Eraser!!!!! It keeps on cleaning right up until the point it actually disintegrates! I have scrubbed down the whole shower stall...and it was quite easy. It's the ding dang toilet that is driving me crazy..I have used Spry-On CLR....then the real CLR in the grey bottle, brushes, cloths and even my own fingernails....and it's still not perfect!!!!
But, I will persevere....I will get it white. Today my hands were all wrinkled, and most of my fingernails are broken. How anybody could get a toilet that bad is way beyond me. They let it run...it only cost $5.00 to replace the rubber thingie???????
And the Shower Stall.....yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, so far the upstairs bathroom is to my satisfaction...the kitchen is to my satisfaction.....the living room is almost to my satisfaction. Got a long ways to go!
Gotta get a bedroom ready upstairs for any guests that may suddenly appear.
And, I finally figured out how to program the digital thermostat! Sheesh!!!
Now, let's see what I need!
A bed
Four Dining Room Chairs
A night table for the bed.
Lamp shades.
A shower curtain.
Some decorations for the bathroom.
The list goes on and on....too bad I don't have any money! hehehehehe.
The outside of the house looks pretty shitty, but inside it's nice....I like it...I like it a lot!
Well, that's my news for now...my tired and cracked and dry fingers are having a hard time typing.
Mikki....my hands are dry....I know how much you hate that! Well, not my hands being dry....yours!
Talk to you all later...ciao.
Sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe we should send Norma the housekeeper up...
Yup....I wonder does she know about Magic Mystical Eraser?????
Yup....I wonder does she know about Magic Mystical Eraser?????
WOW,you are busy.I should be doing some house work.but oh well.
Try getting as much water out of the toilet as you can... Then put bleach on paper towels or old white rags...Lay them around the bowl.Leave for awhile and see if that works.
Your friend
I haven't tried those erasers yet, but if anyone has good advice, it's funnyface--- the house looked to be in pristine condition, but of course there were none of the insides of the toilet bowl---- Sounds like the worst is over---
I love those magic erasers - they will even remove black permanent marker from painted walls, without taking off the paint. The trick is to rub gently in a circular motion. You'll have to ask Eric how the black marker got on the walls in the first place *frown* Anyway, it sounds like you're making good progress. It's pretty satisfying when everything finally comes together, eh?
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