Snow and Stuff
Hi folks. We had a little bit
of snow here!!! Well, actually, not as much as this picture shows...but we had snow. It's still on the ground. The ground is white!!! If I had a digital camera, I could show you...hint, hint hint..Jim (he's watching me). But it was quite a dirty night..not as bad as Halifax though.
Well, we have got a lot done. I was going to write a song about it, but the only tune I could think of was "Can Do", and I've already done that..hehehe.
We've got all our shopping done..except for ourselves (I want a digital camera). We've got Shannon's parcel all wrapped and ready to go. We've got our Christmas Cards done (we only send six so I suppose that's not a major accomplishment). We have our house decorated with lights. It looks so nice at night. We will be putting up our tree on Sunday - a real one! I wish I knew what to get Jim..I"m on a budget so I can't get him anything really great! Shirts and pants I suppose (he's gone now). So boring. I'd like to get him some kind of boy toy - i.e. a tool, or something like that. I'll figure something out I guess.
Well, yesterday I cleaned the whole downstairs. Swept and washed floors etc etc etc. This morning when I got up and went into the kitchen, I noticed a bunch of dirty cloths on the kitchen counter and I knew right away what happened - because it had just happened two days prior. Jim spilled his pop all over the coffee table and floor!!!!!!! Again!!!!! He blames the coasters...they're not absolutely flat, so his glass always tips over is his story. I had to wash the floor again. Good thing I'm on medication. Hehehehe.
But now that we're on the topic...Men are messy! Why do they have to be such slobs? When they make a sandwich, why can't they wipe up the crumbs? When they eat a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, why can't they put the wrappers in the garbage? When they lay down on the couch, why can't they fold the blanket after they get up? Why can't they wipe their shoes before they come in the house? Why can't they wipe out the sink after they've trimmed their beard? Why? I want to know! And......why can't they put a new roll of toilet paper on the roll? Why do they just put it on top of the roll. And why do they put their dirty clothes on TOP of the clothes hamper? Why why why? Any answers out there?
I could go on for hours...but my hands are hurting from typing? Good thing we women are so perfect! Can you imagine what the planet would like if women were as sloppy as men? Yikes!!!!
Talk to you all later....Marsh

Well, we have got a lot done. I was going to write a song about it, but the only tune I could think of was "Can Do", and I've already done that..hehehe.
We've got all our shopping done..except for ourselves (I want a digital camera). We've got Shannon's parcel all wrapped and ready to go. We've got our Christmas Cards done (we only send six so I suppose that's not a major accomplishment). We have our house decorated with lights. It looks so nice at night. We will be putting up our tree on Sunday - a real one! I wish I knew what to get Jim..I"m on a budget so I can't get him anything really great! Shirts and pants I suppose (he's gone now). So boring. I'd like to get him some kind of boy toy - i.e. a tool, or something like that. I'll figure something out I guess.
Well, yesterday I cleaned the whole downstairs. Swept and washed floors etc etc etc. This morning when I got up and went into the kitchen, I noticed a bunch of dirty cloths on the kitchen counter and I knew right away what happened - because it had just happened two days prior. Jim spilled his pop all over the coffee table and floor!!!!!!! Again!!!!! He blames the coasters...they're not absolutely flat, so his glass always tips over is his story. I had to wash the floor again. Good thing I'm on medication. Hehehehe.
But now that we're on the topic...Men are messy! Why do they have to be such slobs? When they make a sandwich, why can't they wipe up the crumbs? When they eat a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, why can't they put the wrappers in the garbage? When they lay down on the couch, why can't they fold the blanket after they get up? Why can't they wipe their shoes before they come in the house? Why can't they wipe out the sink after they've trimmed their beard? Why? I want to know! And......why can't they put a new roll of toilet paper on the roll? Why do they just put it on top of the roll. And why do they put their dirty clothes on TOP of the clothes hamper? Why why why? Any answers out there?
I could go on for hours...but my hands are hurting from typing? Good thing we women are so perfect! Can you imagine what the planet would like if women were as sloppy as men? Yikes!!!!
Talk to you all later....Marsh
You always manage to bring a smile to my face.THANK YOU!!!
I haven't got any shopping done yet, but I know what I'm getting the grandchildren.
Yeah what would this world be like without us women?
Take care
It would be full of cat poop and throw-up! I still haven't figured out how a man can gut a deer, but can't change the kitty litter??????? Hmmmmm.
I hope your new camera doesn't ever take a picture like that one!!
I'm getting anxious with everyone talking about having their shopping done-- I'm just in the thinking about doing it stage---
Hey, you should be using those cat coasters i gave you one Christmas--- or are those the ones that are not flat?? Buy him some new coasters for Christmas!!
I was just complaining to Frank last night that nobody else in this house feels the obligation to wash a dish THEY have dirtied-- I'm seriously thinking about not doing them to see how long it would take for someone else to participate in the act-- but I don't want my mother in law to see how messy I am!!! Catch 22
Those cat coasters you gave me for Christmas, are the culprits!!! Hehehehe..however, I don't have any problem with them!
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