Monday, March 19, 2007

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

There's a story behind this delicious pie. I had never heard of it before. Then, one summer I was visiting Mikki, and she bought one. Apparently she had been addicted to them for quite some time (sorry Mikki..not really addicted). Anyhoo...I'm not that much of a pie eater...I prefer salty things (i.e. Hickory Sticks), but one day, I tried a piece.
Well, I thought I had died and gone to Heaven.
It's just a Sobey's pie. Strawberry Rhubarb. Heavenly. I haven't had one in at least a year.....but now..I have this one. All to myself..all mine. Drool away Mikki....hahahahaha.
I was quite upset though, because I really didn't need to find something else fattening that I loved....I had quite a long list already.
So, I guess this tells you how exciting my life is!! I mean, who else, could make a whole blog about a pie! That's all I have to talk about!
Oh, P.S. do you like my counter top? I love it.
Anyway, the days are getting longer and my mood is getting lighter. Although the days are very cold, the sun is shining. Can't wait to be able to sit outside (although it may take a while to shave my legs)!
Am going to Yarmouth at the end of the month to celebrate my birthday. Hope the weather warms up.
Can't wait to see everybody.
Come on you guys...get blogging again!
Lots of love....Marsh

Friday, March 09, 2007


Tuffy's had a Makeover..isn't it nice? Always wanted a purple cat. Jim's Sister-In-Law sent me lots of pictures of painted cats. Apparently some people pay a lot of money to do that. Good grief!
I saw on the Today show, a woman who had knitted a sweator out of the shedded hair of her cat! It's a really nice sweator. Apparently they got a hold of her and she and her cat, and her sweator will be on the show tomorrow.
Well, my beloved baby left for Kandahar Afghanistan today. The same day they brought home the body of a young boy from New Glasgow. The son of Dexter Megeney, who used to be a customer of mine when I worked at the Bank.
Even though Dexter's son was not shot in battle, but by accident, by a friend of his...this does not allay my concern! He's only supposed to be there for six or seven weeks, and I have marked them off on my calendar.
I am proud of him though. And he is excited about going. He is dedicated to the Military now. What a change from the rebellious young hellion he used to be.
On another's too damn cold here! Cold! Too Cold! Hopefully, according to the weather report it's supposed to warm up...but...yeah, right! I've never known the Weather Channel to be correct yet!
Speaking of which...I guess it's freezing in the States too...along the East Coast...and they say it's the fault of the 'Cold Canadian Air'! Sure, blame us! It's Air....not specifically Canadian Air sneaking up on them and freezing them to death..Sheesh. Maybe if the Iraqis could trap some of 'Our Cold Air', they could use it as a Weapon of Mass Destruction!
Anyhoo....going to read blogs to you all later.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Yippee. It's the end of Feb. The First of March. The days are getting longer...more daylight is cheering me up.
And this year, apparently, Daylight Savings Time is starting on March 11th! Woo hoo!
I just can't wait for spring..for green grass, warm days..opening the windows in the house.
Hanging clothes on the line...and smelling them as I take them off the line.
Sitting outside in the and heat, I love it.
Take care you.