Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ears and Blood Tests

Intriguing title no? Okay...maybe not. I went to the Doctor today to have my ears syringed...ewwwwwwwwwwwww. I hate when that happens. But my left ear has been plugged for quite a long time...and I could hear myself chomping on my Hickory Sticks inside my own head! Couldn't do a blog without mentioning Hickory Sticks..hehehehehehe.
Anyhoo, I wish I had taken my camera to the Doctors....cause you just wouldn't believe what came out of my left ear. The Doctor delighted in showing me. It was so gross, that I grieve that I cannot share it with you all. Hahahahahahha. But...man....it was gross. But now, I feel wonderful...I can hear now!
I really hate getting water in my ears, so when he first started, I scrunched up my face and made a noise...and he got very concerned...'Does that hurt?" he asked anxiously. I said "No..I just don't like getting water in my ears" I replied.
And he said...yes, he really said this..."Well, I could use orange juice." I love a Doctor with a sense of humour!
Anyhoo, he also had the results of my blood tests! Now, for those of you who know me and my life style..you may be quite surprised. I know I was. My blood tests were fine. Kidney function - fine, thyroid - fine, cholesterol..a tad high, but not enough for medication - diabetes - fine (meaning I can keep eating my chocolate bars). Everything was tickety-boo.
So..that's my news for now!
Talk to you all later...
Lots of love to all

Friday, May 23, 2008

Of Clear Broth and Jello

Clear Broth and Jello....just about all that Jim is allowed to eat now for a while....and mashed potatoes. No meat or anything heavy or spicy. He has to allow his stomach to 'rest' for a while. He was in terrible pain for over a week....saw the Doctor on Wednesday...was given a prescription for pain killers and told to amend his diet to the above-noted. Clear Broth and Jello.
Now, this is quite a dilemma for me!!!! Because, you see, Jim is the one who does the COOKING around here! And I hate Clear Broth and Jello.....ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Therefore, I am reduced to making sandwiches for myself. Oh, will I ever have a real meal again? Sob sob sob.
I don't see why he can't still cook for ME! Just because he's not well, and not allowed to eat...that's no reason not to feed ME! It's all about ME ME ME! Guaranteed though, I won't lose any weight cause I'll just eat more junk food!
Seriously though, Jim had to go for more blood tests this morning...and I had to have bloodwork done as well because my new Doctor wants to know what's going on with me I guess. So we both went together. Couldn't eat anything for 12 whole hours!!! Just water - ugh! I just hope that they figure out something for Jim. This Chronic Pancreatitis is not a fun thing to have. His Doctor also noticed that Jim's hand was shaking and wants to test him for Parkinson's! Is there no end to this?
On another serious note, there is a shortage of Hickory Sticks in Pictou County. Poor Jim has been to every store in the area, and nobody has any. So please, if anybody out there can find some somewhere, please mail me some! Hehehehehe. As I said....everything is about ME!
Well, it's Friday....time to play Computer games all day. Talk to you all later.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Three Worse Things to Run Out of

Just thought I'd write a little treatise (cool word) on the three worse items you can run out of.

First - toilet paper - a person cannot live well without toilet paper...such a horrible feeling when you realize you have no more toilet paper. This morning I was reduced to going through the waste basket and ripping of the little remaing shreds of toilet paper on the discarded rolls.

Second - cat food - especially when you have two cats. Last night I had fish sticks for supper, and so did the cats! They didn't mind it last night for supper, however, they weren't too happy with it for breakfast this morning. They are quite weird cats, they have hard food, but they won't eat it unless the soft food dishes are full...What's that all about?

Third - hickory sticks - how can a person sleep without having a couple of handfuls of hickor sticks in bed? You go into a sort of hickory stick withdrawal which even Lay's Potato Chips won't assuage (cool word).

Now, the solution to this problem is of course to go to the grocery store. But when your husband is away and you happen to be too lazy to get dressed..this becomes a problem. However, this morning, I got dressed, combed my hair and went off to Sobey's to remedy the situation. But..Sobey's was out of Hickory Sticks!!!! Sob sob sob. But the cat's are happy, and I now have toilet paper, so all was not lost.

Jim is in Ontario...coming home today. He went to help his brother-in-law take a load of antiques up. His niece has an Antique store somewhere in Ont., and I guess she's going to try to sell them on consignment. I talked to Jim last night, and he's been really sick with terrible stomach pain the whole time he's been there. So, it turned out he wasn't any help at all with the driving. It started right after they left here I guess. I feel so bad for him...I know I hate being away from home when I'm sick. So it will be a quick trip to the Doctor for him and I hope we get some answers this time. Never have seen the report from his last procedure.

Well, that's it for now...if anybody out there has any Hickory Sticks, please e-mail them to asap. Thank you.

Love you all

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hey, did you happen to see.....

The most beautiful kitten in the world??? And, if you did...did you love him, love him...wowowo. Look at those eyes!!!! And those perfect ears! And that face!!!
Man, I'm lucky, not only do I have the most beautiful cat (Tuffy) in the world, but I also have the most beautiful kitten in the world.
His name is Buddy and it is well suited to him. Because he is my Buddy, and he loves to cuddle and hug and be close. When I got him I was told he was quite unfriendly..turned out to be quite the opposite..he hates to be alone.
He and Tuff had a few problems when he first arrived here...well, quite a few actually..fur was flying for a while. But now they are copasetic...they like each other a lot...except when they are hungry..then they fight.
Well, poor Buddy went to the Vet on Tuesday, and now he is 'fixed'. He was getting a little too, hmmm, how shall I put this, a little too 'anxious' to get outside...we have a lot of strays around our house. Well, now, at least when he goes outside, he can't do any damage..so to speak.
Anyhoo, enough about my lovely cat.
I defy anyone to find a better cat picture.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Haven't Changed a Bit

As you can see, after 17 years we haven't changed a bit! However, please note, that the digital camera appears to add about 50 pounds to women, and changes hair colour to grey. Who knew?
Notice that in my wedding photo I was very prim and proper, but on my anniversary, I decided to go for the slutty senior look! Heck, why not?
Anyhoo, we had a great time on our anniversary. We went to the Legion where my brother was playing Steel Guitar in Ryan Cook's band. It was really fun. We even danced. You can see the photos on my Facebook page....when I post them!!! They may not be there yet. Dad bought us a huge cake! Delicious.
On a more serious note: During the past 17 years we've had some good times, some really really really good times and some bad times, some really really really bad times. We've been to a few weddings, and lot of funerals. We've lost some really special people and gained several really special babies. We've suffered through cancer, heart attack, pneumonia, depression, another cancer scare, and currently trying to control diabetes. We've gone through some very humiliating financial situations, and we've had times of plenty. We even suffered a three week separation! But, now, here we are, through the Grace of God, still together...and there's no-one I would rather be with.
So on that note...I will say adieu...love to all who read my page.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Today was an absolutely beautiful day. It was hot, but not too hot, there was a cool breeze. A perfect day for hanging clothes on the line. Oh, how I love the smell of clothes that have been blowing in the wind. Every item I take off the line I have to put to my nose and inhale deeply. It is one of the joys of my life.
For years and years I never owned a dryer. Said I didn't need one. Said, even if I had one, I would still hang clothes on the line. Oh the pride I had when I said that. I felt so smug. Who needs a dryer!!!! The misery I put Jim through putting up clotheslines....tighening them up....untangling them after a strong wind..but he always did it with no complaints. Even when the line tangled in the pulley (along with the clothes) he did not complain, but patiently untangled everything without ruining one single article of clothing.
But now I have a dryer! And I had two laundry's to do..one light, one dark. And, I humbly admit...I put them in the dryer!!!!!!! I Put Them In The Dryer!!!! Me!!!! I am so ashamed....
It turns out that I have become to lazy to hang clothes out on the line and then drag them in again. Who knew????? Plus I couldn't find the clothespins...even though there are tons of them at the Dollar Store!!!!
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. hehehehehehehehe.
On another note, May 10th is our 17th Wedding Anniversary, and we are going to be entertained by my very own brother! He will be playing the Steel Guitar with Ryan Cook. If he so much as mentions that it is our Anniversary I will personally have him oiled and feathered and run out of town!
Well, that's my news.....oh, I forgot, when we get back from Yarmouth...poor Buddy is going to the Vet..for 'you know what'. His 'catting' days will be over.
Talk to you all later..

Thursday, May 01, 2008

So it begins

So, it begins....family secrets being revealed. Ok, so I do eat Hickory Sticks in bed!!! What's wrong with that, I ask? They're very very good, and good for you. They have zero trans-fat. True they are very skinny, and do tend to fall out of your hand. True they do tend to get all over the bed, under the sheets, and all over the floor. True they do make you very itchy and sometimes they actually stab you when you lie down. But.....those are just small inconveniences compared to the delight of eating them. At my age, any joy I can get whilst in bed is a good thing!! Oh oh! Too Much Info! Hahahahahahahaha.
I suppose I could reveal a thing or two about Mikki, but I fear that if I get involved in a little 'secret telling' war, I would come out on the raw end of the stick! It could get painfully embarrasing pour moi! So, I will gracefully not say how Mikki eats pie for breakfast sometimes. OOOOPPSSSSS...did I say that out loud.
On a brighter note..it's May, it's May, the Merry Month of May! It's cold and drizzly and miserable...but it's May!
And now I must post my condolences to my brother for the upcoming demise of the Montreal Canadiennes aka the Habs! They only have one more chance to pull it out. We did have a glimmer of hope last night when they tied it up with two quick goals, but in the end, they lost.
Well, that's it for today folks. Talk to you later