
Well, today I went out of the house for the first time in a long time. Jim was bugging me to use the gift certifcate he had given me for Christmas. He was highly insulted that I had not used it yet.
Now, this certificate was for clothing...for which I have absolutely no interest other than a cover for my body, so as not to offend anybody. And I absolutely hate shopping. I try to avoid mirrors as much as possible.
Anyhoo, I digress. I did get two outfits. Of course they ended up costing more than the original gift certificate, but I figured 'Hey, if he's gonna make me shop, I'm gonna make him pay!". Only fair.
So...here are pictures of the two outfits I got, and God only knows where they will show up on this blog.
I got one red and black..and one blue and black...now the two black pants are not the same, but you can't tell from a picture.
Okay..here goes...posting picture! Naturally the frickin pictures turned out at the top of the post! Dang.
I don't feel like trying to manipulate them down here.
Anyhoo..I also got two new bras!!!!!!!!...Ones that actually work if you get my drift!
Evcn though Penningtons's is for the 'full figured' woman (aka fat), they have beautiful clothes, and the sales people are excellent. BTW..all the sales people are 'full figured'.
So, that's part of my ramblings.
Now....for the rest.
I have figured out that the months of January and February are the most dull, boring months of the year.
Probably March is too.
April 1st is when things start looking up. April is my favorite month. You know it's going to be spring soon, and things will start warming. Also April 1st is my birthday...April Fool's Day! I've always had an excuse for being a fool...hahahahaha. This year I will be 62....that's Capital 6 and Capital 2! Hard to believe. I thought I was still only 40. So far the two best times in life are age 28 and age 40.
Now I find myself acting like an old person. Grumbling at the new music...grumbling when kids are playing outside and disturbing my nap...grumbling about stupid commercials....starting to only watch CNN and CBC...oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone, please help me.
I am worrying myself to death about my kids. I'm turning into my Mother! Oh nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Take heed Mikki....this could happen to you!!!
Okay, I guess that's enough for now.
Hope you guys like my new clothes, which I will probably never wear since I never go out!
Talk to you all later....love....Marsh.