Saturday, January 27, 2007

I need your advice all.

Hi Guys..this is a picture of my bed, and my curtains. I know the curtain one is dark because the window is right behind them (odd!), but I thought my might get an idea of the colour of them anyway. So basically, my bedding and curtains are sage, and my TV Stand and my beautiful one-of-a-kind crocheted pillow shams are sort of a forest green.
The walls are red. I can't decide whether to paint the walls sage green or forest green. The room is small and I know dark paint will make it look smaller, but I just think it would be too 'sagey'. I think I would like the forest green for contrast. The room is dark now and it doesn't bother me.
Anyhoo, what does everybody think? Any and all suggestions are welcome. And please keep in mind, that I had to go to the trouble of making my bed today just so I could get your opinions!!!!!!!!
As for my beautiful one-of-a kind crocheted will never be able to get them anywhere in the world!! They were created specifically pour moi!!! Mikki is so good to me!!!!!
Right now Jim is building a closet in Dad's room. It's actually the guest room, but I like to call it Dad's room!!! And I am busy playing games on the computer..hehehehe.
It's been very cold here, but not much snow so far!
Gonna go read blogs nows....tata and cheerio!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Wow, it's cold!

I suppose you're wondering what the picture of my kitty litter box has to do with the title of the blog. Let me explain.
See how nice and clean the kitty litter is? You see, Tuffy doesn't like to poop in the litter, only pee..which is very easy to scoop out. Tuffy likes to go outside to poop.
Now, I've lived in very cold places...Moosonee, Goose Bay, even North Bay Ont. and I have always had cats, but I have never seen this very interesting phenomena before in all my almost 62 years.
Warning...if any of you are weak of stomach do not read on.
Anyway, Tuffy went out the other evening to do his business. It was very, very cold. When he came in and ran to his dish to eat, I noticed something very odd.
His poop was frozen to his bum along with a big chunk of ice. His poop froze as he pooped!!!!! Have you ever heard of such a thing.
Now, I don't know if anybody here has ever tried to wipe a cat's bum.....but it's something equivalent to trying to give a cat a pill.
I managed to grab some of it with a big wad of paper towel, but he got very disturbed that I was trying to get near his 'private' area (although, he doesn't mind pushing it in my face sometimes), and he ran away...with poop stuck to him!!!! AGGGHHHHH...I have new furniture. Where would I find it when it thawed out?
Well, I never did find that poop..and I've cleaned my house all the way through...
So I can only assume that he 'cleaned' himself up...ewwwwwwwwww. Now you know why I don't like cats to lick me!!!!
In other news, there is no other news. Just wanted to share this with you.
Talk to you later

Friday, January 19, 2007

Girls gone wild on the Riviera

I know you all have seen pictures of the Riviera...bathing beauties, gorgeous girls, James Bond stuff. But you have never seen two such gorgeous girls as I am about to show you. The Bobbsey Twins in matching bathing suits. You guys are so lucky...because this is something you will never see on TV or in the Movies. This is exclusive to our little group. The beauty is awesome to will burn into your eyes until that's all you can see. When you try to sleep at night, the wondrous vision will be embedded on the back of your eyelids. So take care..and be prepared to be shocked and awed!

Et voila! Please notice that these beauties are standing in the snorkling..and the other with a rubber case we drown in waist high water.
Hope you enjoyed this little blast from the past...and try not to be laughing too's hard on the heart!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Furniture

Here are pictures of our new sofa set. It was on Sale on Boxing Day for Half Price, and we just couldn't resist it. It is very comfortable, however, according to Jim, we are not allowed to sit or lay on it without a blanket under us. Yeah...right! Luckily Tuffy's hair, when it falls off him, is the same colour as the no one can see it!!! hehehehehe.. Then they get home and wonder how they got all that cat hair on their clothes.
Anyhoo, we didn't really get that much of a snow storm. It was messy for a while, but no huge amount of snow fell. Somebody plowed our driveway nevertheless, and I have no idea who. Probably our next door neighbor who is a good friend of Jim's.
American Idol starts tonight so life is good again...woohoo! It's fun watching the contestants!!! Some of them are unbelievable.
Must go and read blogs now.....bye bye for now.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Beautiful girl

Here's a pic of a little girl, trying to figure out who the big hairy man in the black clothes is? Is he safe? Is he real? Is he human? Yes, he's just Jim. Hahahahahaha. Actually, she was creeping closer and closer to the coffee table where there was a plastic toy car that she wanted. But she was unsure of the consequences if she took. So she slowly, slowly crept forward, keeping her eyes on the big bad man at all times. Finally, she grabbed it and ran to Nannan for safety. It was funny! She's so cute! You can see Papa in the background but as usual, Nannan's face is does she doe that!!!!! Hehehehe.
A funny thing happened the other day, well funny to us anyway. We had received Wal-Mart gifts cards for Christmas, and after buying a Toaster Oven in Yarmouth, we had $115.90 or so left on our cards. So we went shopping at our Wal-Mart which is having a huge sale because they're moving to a new store. We just around picking up stuff for the house. Got new phones, cushions, sheets....stuff like that. We didn't bother adding it up, just figured we'd pay the difference ourselves. Well, when it was all rung in guess came it to $116 something...God we laughed. We had to pay 18 cents.
I love gift makes it look like you got tons of stuff for Christmas!
Must go now...will talk to you later.
Love all.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

J & Fireguy

There's Jim, pretending he knows how to use the computer. And here's Fireguy trying to show Jim how to open a book! Hahahahahahahaha. Just kidding. They were looking at a gift.
Well, young Jimmy (Jim's son) brought us over a CD that he said he found in his house. It contained video from 1994 that we had taken and he had converted to a CD. After the first few minutes watching, tears started rolling down my face. There was Stephen (Jim's brother) dancing with Mom. She looked so good there. Then there was Manzie, Jim's cousin and best friend and best handyman ever working on our old bedroom. And then there was Eric and Jamie taking a bath. Jamie couldn't walk yet. And the kicker - there was Max - standing tall and strong. The two families, Fitts and Johnsons had gone to the park in Shubencadie - do you remember that day Mikki. July 27th 1994. Mikki's friend Donna was there too. I just sobbed and sobbed. Four of the people on that tape are gone from our lives now, but not from our hearts. And although it was sad, it was also good in another way - to see them alive and happy again. Oh God, I'm tearing up again now. Quite an experience.
Mikki, if you want to see it, I'll try to copy it. Most of it is you guys at the park.
Well, it snowed a little yesterday...not enough to do any damage, but it's cold...brrrrrrrrr. Well, my tea must be ready by now....Later guys.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy Trio

Here we are on New Year's Eve...Happy Happy Happy!!! Hehehehehe.

The picture is a little dark.

Let's try another one. Ok..that's where it ended up. Chinese Dinner. I'm taking the picture, but notice how cleverly Nan's head is completely hidden by Dad's head! Sneaky. I wish I could figure out how to move pictures around.
I'll try again tomorrow. Gonna watch the People's Choice Awards I guess.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I have totally lost two posts.

So, it's just the pictures for you comments!!!!!!!!!!!! Caught Susan...hehehehe. Handsome man bringing in 2007.
You know..I have tried twice before to post pictures and typing in some sort of order and have lost both of them...I don't know where they are....
I just don't know how to move pictures around! Sob sob sob. are some pics from my new camera..I have lots more...but I'm tired of frigging around with this.
Happy New Year!!!!! Sob sob sob.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Quick Note

Ok..I have tried four times to upload a picture, and I keep getting an apology "Sorry we are unable...etc, etc, etc.".
But, I will try again tomorrow. I still haven't transferred the pictures taken at Yarmouth yet anyway.
Man, we had good Chinese Food! And desserts that Nannan brought! What a meal. Dad and I watched New Year's Eve come in...2007...who would ever believe it. Seems like only yesterday everybody (except me) was worried about Y2K.
Well, the New Year has started...and soon American Idol will be back and life will be good again..hehehehe. Have something to talk about anyway! It's just horrible when there are no 'reality' shows on!
We had a good trip down and a good trip back. I spent today cleaning house and doing laundry and putting stuff away! I hate putting stuff away. Especially new stuff..don't know where to put it and decision making is not my 'forte' these days. So, it turns out our third bedroom has now become a junk room!
And we have tons of chocolate left..we overestimated our chocolate consumption capability. I guess we were hungry when we were shopping.
Anyway, had a great trip, good food, good watching I also slept a lot!!!!
Talk to you all later. Happy New Year..and all the best.